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Given that the existing list of forums on this board is sufficiently long that I need to press PageDown more than once to see them all, I am reluctant to suggest any increase in that number. Yet I do think that it would benefit from a 'Forum Feedback' or 'Site Improvements' forum, and from a 'User Interface' forum. I have several topics in mind for each. :idea:

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Given that the existing list of forums on this board is sufficiently long that I need to press PageDown more than once to see them all, I am reluctant to suggest any increase in that number. Yet I do think that it would benefit from a 'Forum Feedback' or 'Site Improvements' forum, and from a 'User Interface' forum. I have several topics in mind for each. :idea:

Actually that would be quite handy right now as the forum appears to be having some technical difficulty. I have done a couple of postings that gave an error but still posted, and the email notification has not been working propoerly.


MikeB tried to send me a PM that did not go through, also.

It looks like it may just be in the email function. This is the error I got when I posted this original message:


Failed sending email :: PHP ::




Line : 234

File : emailer.php

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Given that the existing list of forums on this board is sufficiently long that I need to press PageDown more than once to see them all, I am reluctant to suggest any increase in that number. Yet I do think that it would benefit from a 'Forum Feedback' or 'Site Improvements' forum, and from a 'User Interface' forum. I have several topics in mind for each. :idea:

Actually that would be quite handy right now as the forum appears to be having some technical difficulty. I have done a couple of postings that gave an error but still posted, and the email notification has not been working propoerly.


MikeB tried to send me a PM that did not go through, also.

It looks like it may just be in the email function. This is the error I got when I posted this original message:


Failed sending email :: PHP ::




Line : 234

File : emailer.php


Yes, the error was one topic I had in mind :? . I got that same error a couple of times--thanks for capturing it. And there's still lots more I can think of for these additional forums as well. :lol:

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