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loading speed improvements?


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Would replacing the memory card in my ISY with fastest available stuff on the market speed up loading of the ISY console and programs?


Is there anything else that will - not including deleting devices and programs?


Am scrounging for anything I can do to make the process quicker. Right now it takes about 11-13 secs for GUI to load initially after entering userid/password and 6-7 secs to load programs. That's on top of the time it takes to load Java, which varies more widely, and it doesn't include the time it takes when I have to login twice (once into a Java dialogue box I think and again into the ISY console dialogue box), which happens to me a lot for some reason. (I wish logging in could be turned off when connecting from LAN addresses like HomeSeer allows but I know it's not an option)


I have about 110 devices and about 250 programs with maybe 35 of those being used as variables only. Am running firmware 2.8.16 and Java 6 update 23 on 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo Vista machine with 4GB RAM and (FWIW) a Gb NIC on a Gb LAN.

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