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NTP Server DNS Error? + red Error light every 15 seconds?


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I am getting a red LED on the ISY99I about every 15 seconds.

The error log reads like this:


Sun 2011/03/27 06:02:34 PM System -5012 n/a

Mon 2011/03/28 12:00:14 PM System -60001 pool.ntp.org

Mon 2011/03/28 12:00:30 PM System -60001 pool.ntp.org

Mon 2011/03/28 12:00:47 PM System -60001 pool.ntp.org


In the configuration screen it has a red asterisk in front of the NTP server "pool.ntp.org"


With all this it seems it should be obvious what is wrong but it is not to me?


I suspect that when we had to replace our wireless router a few weeks back is when this started.


Please let me know how I can fix this?


The ISY99I seems to be operating fine otherwise.

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I continue to have this issue. I am not real proficient at Internet protocol stuff like DNS. I have studied and read a couple of other similar posts with no help?


This seems as though it is a router setting issue?

I have DHCP checked in the router so shouldn't I expect a DNS server address to be set automatically?


If I understand this it is the ISY trying to get to the outside world to get a time update?


I do not remember having this issue prior to installing a new router, however I also upgraded my ISY a few months back and I read a thread that stated a older firmware version did not report these errors as often?

Could this be firmware related?





Just found some other forums stuff about this NTP on the internent:


They talked about using a fixed IP for the NTP server address of:

They stated there are several server IP addresses for pool.ntp.org.


I will try a fixed address for this. They also mentioned other address names such as 0.pool.ntp.org,



I will try all of these.

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Hello ELA,


Before spending too much more time on this issue, it's best to call our support and schedule a call.


You do NOT have to know anything about DNS and in 99% of the cases, DHCP should work fine. If you get blinking MEM/Error lights even though you are on DHCP, then there are three possibilities:


1. ISY is trying to renew the lease and it's taking a little longer

2. There's another device with the same IP address on your network

3. ISY cannot reach your router


If you look at the Error Log, you will get much more details as far as which one is causing the issue.


If your ISY is connected to your router via a switch, then try connecting it directly (if possible) to the router.


With kind regards,


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Hello ELA,


Before spending too much more time on this issue, it's best to call our support and schedule a call.


You do NOT have to know anything about DNS and in 99% of the cases, DHCP should work fine. If you get blinking MEM/Error lights even though you are on DHCP, then there are three possibilities:


1. ISY is trying to renew the lease and it's taking a little longer

2. There's another device with the same IP address on your network

3. ISY cannot reach your router

I will try the call but direct help like this is also very good.

Checked and no duplicate addresses

Reset the IP address with DHCP enabled and it then reassigned the very same address again. I suspect that the ISY cannot reach the router for DNS but it reaches my computer just fine via the router.


If you look at the Error Log, you will get much more details as far as which one is causing the issue.


I pasted part of the log above in an earlier post. what does it tell you?


If your ISY is connected to your router via a switch, then try connecting it directly (if possible) to the router.


With kind regards,



no switch

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Just for possible reference should someone else encounter this issue:


ISY support said to check that "DNS Relay" is enabled in the router.

I had no such setting in my router.


What I did find is that the router had two DNS Server addresses listed. They were located in a "status" screen as opposed to the advanced setup where you enter IP addresses.


I changed my ISY to be static IP and DNS settings. I used one of the two DNS settings in the router and it now works fine. I realize that I may still have future issues using static addresses but this is what I needed to do to get it working.


AS I mentioned I am not very knowledgeable about TCP/IP, DNS etc. I have studied a lot over the past week though. I was under the impression that when DHCP was enabled that everything was supposed to take care of itself? (i.e.) That the DNS address would resolve itself. I also was under the impression that the DNS server address should be the same as the gateway address?


To resolve my issue the DNS address was nowhere close to the gateway address (=the IP address of my router).


Main thing is that it works now.

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Hello ELA,


Sincere apologies for tardy reply.


Most routers assign the same IP address for the same device (based on MAC address/unique ID of a network device) unless that address has already been claimed by something else. So, the fact that you got the same IP address is OK.


This said, I am quite hesitant declaring victory. DHCP should work fine and using static configuration especially if you are not using the router's IP as DNS is a cause for concern.


Would you be kind enough to change the DNS server address on ISY to the IP address of your router and retry? If this fails, you can always go back to the external DNS server as you have it setup now.


Please do keep me posted.


With kind regards,


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Hello ELA,



This said, I am quite hesitant declaring victory. DHCP should work fine and using static configuration especially if you are not using the router's IP as DNS is a cause for concern.


Would you be kind enough to change the DNS server address on ISY to the IP address of your router and retry? If this fails, you can always go back to the external DNS server as you have it setup now.


Please do keep me posted.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,

My original setting had the DNS server address the same as the router IP address.


Just to be sure though I did set it back once again. It immediately fails with a red Asterisk on the NTP server.


As I said it seems unusual to me also. I am not familiar with different routers but this one must be different in some way. It is a PK5000Z.

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That is correct. It was set to DHCP when I first started having the issue. I reset the IP to and rebooted (with DHCP on). It assigned a new IP address and still failed DNS.


The only way I got it to work was with static addresses since the router seems to want to use a DNS address that is no where near the router IP address. It wants DNS =

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Hi Michel,

I appreciate your interest in this issue. I am content for now that everything works (as far as I know). Notifications work as it is.


There is a good chance that notifications were not working when I had the NTP error. I only just used an email notification and had only started using it a month or so before this NTP error started. So I am unsure if the email notification had stopped working but I think it may have. As I said it works fine now.


Since it is working fine, and I grow tired of working on these types of issues, I am going to leave good enough alone for now.


Thanks for all your interest and direction.




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