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Creating manual program overrides


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I need to set up a few manual overrides for some of the programs, the manual override switch needs to be easily accessible for anyone in the house to use and understand. I'm wondering what is the best way to go about this is.


As an example I have the hot water heater on a timer to come on during off-peak times, I would like the ability for any member of the house to by-pass this ISY program if needed. I'm the only one that has access to the ISY administrator and that wont change.


Another example is night lighting, its set to come on at a certain time and switch off at a certain time, I'd like to be able to over ride that so the lights remain uneffected by the ISY program.





I have a couple of override programs, but they are intended simply to delay the automatic turning of lights off at the end of the day. Adding this condition is relatively straing forward....


time is 1100p
status "keypad button" is off
turn lights off

Alternatively, you could create a folder with the keypad off being the folder condition.


That is the easy part. The more interesting part is what you want to happen when you turn the override button off. Do you want it to revert to the condition it would be in were the program executing on the normal schedule? Another question to answer is what you want to happen when you turn the button on, with the lights (or heater) currently off. Do you want your device to come on?


If so, perhaps you could consider like a conditional program such as:


time from xx:xx
to yy:yy

Then add the next two programs maintain, or revert back to, a scheduled condition:


status "conditional program" is true
status KPL button is false
turn lights on

and a third program:


if status "conditional program" is false
status of KPL button is false
turn lights off

Then adding, perhaps, a fourth program to ensure that the light (or other device) is on any time that the override button is on:


status KPL button is true
turn on light

I suspect there are more elegant solutions, but something like this should work and I don't have enough brain cells to quicly figure it out.




So what I'm looking for is; a) a physical solution, and B) some programmatical solutions (which you have provided).


I'm thinking about purchasing an 8 button keypadlink, this would allow me to create 8 override switches which is more than enough for now.



The more interesting part is what you want to happen when you turn the override button off

I can see a case where it might be more appropriate to leave a light on even if the normal schedule determined that it should be off, but normal scheduling should begin right after the user turns the actual light off.

For the water heater it should turn off if we are currently in a peak power time of day and stay on if in off-peak. So it should be configerable by device but I could probably live with the easier solution and revert everything back to the normal schedule.


Another question to answer is what you want to happen when you turn the button on, with the lights (or heater) currently off. Do you want your device to come on?

This again is device dependant, heater should turn ON which would leave it under control of internal thermostat. Lights should stay at their current status, if ON then leave On, if Off then leave them Off.


Thanks for the few examples.




I have a programs that only run when we are "away", controlled by a keypad button.

These programs are all in a folder which has the following condition:


Folder Conditions for 'Away'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       Status  'Bedroom / MBR - KPL:B - Away' is On

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.

You could do the same, only make the folder condition "is not" On.


You might need a couple extra programs to handle the switching on and off of the override:


If   Status 'Water Heater Override' is Switched On
      Set 'Water Heater' On
      -- No Actions


If Status 'Water Heater Override' is Switched Off
and (not in peak time)
     Set 'Water Heater' Off
     -- No Actions


Note that these programs might run when the water heater is already in the desired state, but no harm would be done, and it keeps them short and clean.

I have not tested these, but they should be a good starting point.




I have a program that over rides my 3-way hallway lights. Normally, a motion detector by my stairway turns them on and a timer turns them off. But my media closet is in the hallway too and sometimes, I need to pull things out to work on it. Once the Geek Squad was here working on my system. Every time they would run out to their truck, the lights kept going out on us,


To over ride the timer and keep the lights on, I just use the fast on feature on my hall light switches:

Hallways On
       Control 'Rec Room / Hall Main Load 06.E2.F5.1' is switched Fast On
    Or Control 'Hallways / Hall Main Slave 12.5E.3A.1' is switched Fast On

       Disable Program 'Stairs Up'
       Set Scene 'Entry / Ent Stairs' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Turning the light off manually restores the motion/timer program.

Hallways Off
       Control 'Rec Room / Hall Main Load 06.E2.F5.1' is switched Fast Off
    Or Control 'Hallways / Hall Main Slave 12.5E.3A.1' is switched Fast Off
    Or Control 'Rec Room / Hall Main Load 06.E2.F5.1' is switched Off
    Or Control 'Hallways / Hall Main Slave 12.5E.3A.1' is switched Off

       Enable Program 'Stairs Up'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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