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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

NTP support

Morris Hansen

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I noticed after having my ISY powered off for a few days (still working the bugs out of ELK integration), that the time was many hours off. If I would not have looked at the device, any programs based on time would have been off.


It would be nice to have the ISY sync its time with a NTP source. This would provide a more accurate time source and would not have to double check it.




NTP support was in the first release of ISY then we removed it and now it's back on track to be reincorporated by release 2.8.


With kind regards,


I noticed after having my ISY powered off for a few days (still working the bugs out of ELK integration), that the time was many hours off. If I would not have looked at the device, any programs based on time would have been off.


It would be nice to have the ISY sync its time with a NTP source. This would provide a more accurate time source and would not have to double check it.


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