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Key pad buttons randomly turning on


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I have recently encountered a weird problem with 2 of my 6 button keypads.


When I turn on a light with the on button on the keypad linc, on one of them the C and D buttons now light up even though the scenes associated with these buttons are not turned on.


On another Keypad linc when I turn the light on the B and C buttons light and again the scenes associated with these buttons are not on.


If I turn the light on via the admin console I don't see this behavior.


I have tried restoring the keypad and it had no effect.


The only thing I have changed recently is to upgrade to 3.1.2, though I cant understand how that would cause the issue.


I initially thought the keypad went bad but now the behavior is occurring on 2 of them.


Could the links in the PLM have gotten screwed up and cause this?


Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?


I don't have any spare keypad lincs to switch to see if in fact it went bad and the fact it now occurrs on 2 of them leads me to believe it it not the keypad



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Thanks for the update. It sounds like s few of the Secondary KPL buttons were linked to the load control button. This type of button relationship is established with device configuration settings outside the normal link database. Since the ISY had no record of setting this relationship a Restore did not affect it. The Factory Reset cleared the configuration information.


That leaves the unanswered question of how it happened to begin with. Keep an eye on the switches. If the symptom comes back try and identify what the last thing done to the switch (if anything). Something changed the settings in two devices. Just do not know what at present.



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