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In-LineLinc as controller


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Today for the first time I realized that all of my In-LineLinc modules appear in blue, meaning they are only responders. The ILL can control other devices so I would have expected it could also be a controller.


I also noticed that the status of the ILL does not update automatically. I can query it to get proper status.


My ISY is at ver 2.8.10. Is this normal or what?

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Hi LeeG,


Thanks for the reply. I upgraded to 2.8.16, removed one of the ILL and added it again but it is still only a responder.


I guess this is a new feature of 3.1.x?


What is worse is that the ILL status is not updated unless I query it. This does not seem right.

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Does the About show 2.8.16 and was the Java cache cleared to be sure the Admin Console is not back level. If using a URL to access the Admin Console does it reflect 2.8.16.


No fixes or enhancements for the three 3.1.x Betas indicate any changes to how the InLineLinc is processed. That is not definitive but suggestive there is something else affecting the InLineLinc.


What options were used when InLineLinc added to the ISY. I used Auto Detect when I added the InLineLinc to 3.1.2. The ISY would not have established the links necessary for the InLineLinc to send messages to the ISY PLM if it thinks it is a Responder only. This would explain why notifications are not being sent to the ISY. You can confirm this by doing a Show Device Links Table of the InLineLinc and look for a link record with


E201 xx.xx.xx where xx.xx.xx is the PLM Insteon address.


This link record is necessary for the InLineLinc to send local state change messages to the ISY.

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Help about shows ver 2.8.16. I did clear the cache and all UDI certificates. I followed Michel's instructions in the 2.8.16 post exactly.


The device link table shows only one A200 entry for the PLM.


I added the ILL by specifying address and device type, electing to clear all links.


EDIT: Lee, I removed the device and added it again letting the ISY discover the type of device. It was added as a controller -- and as you indicated, status is now updated.


I wish there was a way to convert all the other ILL I have to controllers without having to remove and add.


2ND EDIT: Lee, I forgot the most important part. Thank you very much for the help.

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You are very welcome. Glad we found a way to get it working. I wish I knew of a way to fix this without the delete/add sequence but I think that is the only way to get the ISY to treat it as both a responder and a controller.



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As an educational exercise, I was wondering if an ILL could be converted from responder to controller by ...


1. linking the ILL to another device outside the ISY

2. using ISY diagnostics to save the ILL table to a file

2. editing the saved XML file to change the title

4. running a comparison

5. loading the edited file into the ISY table


Does the load function in the compare dialog box update the ISY table for the device or is just for diagnostic comparisons?

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I made that assumption from the beginning (hope that was not a mistake). Since the InLineLinc added as a Red device when using Auto Discover I believe they are w/sense. That does raise the question of whether the correct device type was selected as they were added originally by specifying the device type. Perhaps they were originally added using the wrong device type.




Do you have any ILLs that have not been corrected? If so what is the device type shown by the Admin Console.



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