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in-line linc as a controller


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Has anybody made a light sensor driving the in-lineLins w sense work as a controller?

I am looking for when the sensor detect something it will turn its own light on as well as other lights.

Currently it just turns its own lights on but no even is logged in the isy.

As a responder it works fine (meaning at can turn it on from a switch)


Does anyone have a sample program




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An ISY Scene can be created, the InLineLinc w/sense assigned to the Scene as a Controller, other devices to be turned On/Off assigned to the Scene as Responders.


Also a Program can be triggered by an On command from the InLineLinc w/sense and have the Program turn On other devices.


Is the InLineLinc w/sense node in the My Lighting tree blue or red?


There was a case a few days ago where the InLineLinc w/sense had been added to the ISY by specifying the Device Type and the InLineLinc without sense Device Type had been chosen. The InLineLinc without sense is a Responder only which cannot be used as a Controller. That would explain why no event is seen.



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You may be on to something - there is only a red entry in the device list

How do I get the sense controller enable - do I need to remove and insert device again?







Also a Program can be triggered by an On command from the InLineLinc w/sense and have the Program turn On other devices.


Is the InLineLinc w/sense node in the My Lighting tree blue or red?


There was a case a few days ago where the InLineLinc w/sense had been added to the ISY by specifying the Device Type and the InLineLinc without sense Device Type had been chosen. The InLineLinc without sense is a Responder only which cannot be used as a Controller. That would explain why no event is seen.



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A single Red entry is correct. The InLineLinc node can be assigned as a Controller of an ISY Scene with other devices as Responders. This will cause the InLineLinc to turn ON/OFF the Responders as the InLineLinc is turned ON/OFF by the sense line.



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Yes, the InLineLinc would be identified in the If statement


If Control inlineline-name is switched on


would be one example.


Some items to confirm.,,


When the sense line is controlled by the motion head does the Green LED

on the InLineLinc turn On/Off as the sense line changes state?


If yes,


With Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Device Communications Events selected are Insteon messages traced as the InLineLInc Green LED turns On/Off with the sense line changes?


When running the Admin Console make sure that the Current State column shows device status On/Off. If this column is blank for all devices end and restart the Admin Console.



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I checked - the green led is on shortly once the sensor is activated (maybe 1 sec) - then it turns off again - The sensor has different time settings


However, I do not see anything showing up in the event log. The event log shows IR event every 5 sec or so, but no activity regarding the sensor


The device are off in the main screen


Any ideas?



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What type of motion head is connected to the sense line?


Not all motion heads work with the InLineLinc. Those with electronic controls for the load do not move the sense line from 120V to GND as required. Motion heads that have dual bright logic for example from heath zenith.



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The motion head that comes with that kit should be okay. It is not the dual bright model that uses electronics to control the bright level of the flood lights in a standalone configuration. Since it did not work with the original InLineLinc that came with the kit it sounds like the motion head is not working correctly. Smarthome would have replaced it but after breaking the kit into parts I doubt they will now.


I use COOPER Lighting motion heads with the InLineLincs. The ones I have use a relay to control the flood lights and now the Sense line. All the home improvement chains carry a basic motion head that uses a relay to turn on the flood lights or Sensor line in the case of the InLineLinc. They have mockups in some of the stores. Look for one that clicks (relay energizing) when motion is sensed.


There are a number of entries on the Smarthome forum that discuss this situation. Some have had success using a small light bulb in parallel with the Sense line. Others have used a resister rather than a light bulb. I've not tried either approach. I use simple relay based motion heads which work fine here.



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The motion sensor head works - the light turns on on motion - The sense line is connected to the InLineLinc, Does this not indicate the sensor is working? It also works without using the InLineLinc just wired normally.

My understanding is it is the sense line controlling the light - is that not correct?


I'll spend some more time to look at the forum to see if I can find any ideas - otherwise - I may just go with a separate sensor.


Thanks for your help


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There are conflicting results. The Green LED on the InLineLinc should track the state of the flood lights if the motion head is working correctly and the InLineLinc is driving the flood lights. In an earlier post the Green LED was reported to flash only.


Can you confirm the motion head sense line is connected to the InLineLinc Sense line only (not also to the flood lights themselves) and that the flood lights turn On an stay On even though the Green LED only flashes.



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