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Hello all,


I am happy to announce the availability of our 3.1.3 release! For a list of changes, please take a look at this post:



Things to test:


AJAX Interface




For a discussion of variables, please look at the new Program Variables forum





1. ISY-26 is no longer included in the firmware builds

2. Due to the sensitive nature of supporting MorningLinc, users now must agree to terms and conditions upon Admin Console start up otherwise the dialog keeps popping up every time the Admin Console is started

3. IMPORTANT If you have already installed a self signed certificate and your current firmware is 2.7.10 and below, you must reinstall a new one before the upgrade:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... rtificates



1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

ISY 99i Series: http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _3.1.3.zip

OR 994i Series: http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _3.1.3.zip


3. Important (If upgrading from 2.8.5 through 2.8.14)

Due to invalid Java certificate chain, please make sure to remove all Universal Devices certificates from Java:

a. Close all browser sessions

b. Open Java Control Panel (Java Preferences on MAC)

c. Click on the Security tab. Remove all Universal Devices certificates (on MAC, click on the '-' button at the bottom)

e. Clear your Java Cache ( http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache



4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


5. Choose the file saved in step 2


MAC users: if upgrade fails, please add https://your.isy.ip.address to ISY Finder (see 3f above)


6. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


7. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. 99ihttp://isy/admin'>http://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. 99ihttp://isy/admin.jnlp'>http://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

a. 994ihttp://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. 994ihttp://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

c. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin - applet

d. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

e. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.1.3 - applet

f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.1.3/admin.jnlp - Java application




Thanks and with kind regards,



Upgraded from 3.12 to 3.13 without any issues.


I am getting Weather Bug data for Evapotranspiration.


Installed well and I am excited to see the ET data in Weatherbug. I'll be starting a thread in EZFlora to talk about this feature and how we should program for it. Would you make it a sticky please?


And, yes, the new ISY browser page looks very nice. A welcome change.


Now, if when we get the ELK module, I'll be completely happy. My wife may not see me for a few weeks.

Hello all,


3. Important

Due to invalid Java certificate chain in releases 2.8.5 and above, please make sure to remove all Universal Devices certificates from Java:

a. Close all browser sessions

b. Open Java Control Panel (Java Preferences on MAC)

c. Click on the Security tab. Remove all Universal Devices certificates (on MAC, click on the '-' button at the bottom)

e. Clear your Java Cache ( http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache



Thanks and with kind regards,



Is this a permanent part of our upgrade life? As all releases from now on are above 2.8.5, is there some point in the release chain where we are safe and no longer need to perform this step any longer to upgrade?


I am on 2.8.16. Is this step required to be performed for me to install the 3.1.3 beta?


"- IRLinc TX buttons does not show in Overview"


This is still not working in 3.1.3, in the Admin Console. I was talking about the IR to Insteon Controller when I reported this.


Thanks, I can write to my SynchroLinc again! 8)


Your take on IsyAjax Looks cool.


One thing I noticed on a quick look:


The home button will take back to your default page, If UDAjax is not default there is no easy way to get back to the main menu, and if it is default it will reload the page when it shouldn't be necessary.


I suggest changing






I also noticed the lack of links to install the web app for the admin console.




Installed with no issue.


A couple of things I've noticed:




When I start the console after a reboot and it is doing it's query-all thing, the ISY often gets 'stuck' with the "system busy" indicator and progress bar at around 25% with no device communication going on at all. (Always stuck on the same device ID - button 4 of a 6-button KPL -- although everything in the console shows with a queried status at that point, including that device.


Eventually the progress bar hits 100%, it disappears, and the ISY shows "Ready".


However if I just close and re-open the console while it is in this waiting / stuck limbo status, then the progress bar is gone and the "Ready" shows as soon as it comes up.


Especially with the new PLM a query-all on my-lighting now consistently is reliably going very fast, and I don't believe it is any sort of comm issue at work.




The ISY does not seem to recognize the initialized value of a state variable as a "change" when the ISY boots. And so programs that test for the inital value and do not also have a run-at-startup flag do not get triggered. I'd consider this a bug.


Hi All,


Thanks so very much for the feedback!


Illusion, thank you ... the post has been updated (see above).


andyf0, what URL are you using? Please make sure you are using your local ISY Admin OR the server URL at /99i/3.1.3/


Nick, thanks so very much! Done. As you may have noticed - and as per your request - our version of ISY AJAX is also open source. Everyone is welcome to make improvements and we'd be delighted to hear your comments.


ergodic, for #1, please make sure that you have cleared your Java cache and that you are using the latest UI (3.1.3). For #2, we'll investigate and get back to you.


With kind regards,



Java cache and certificate were cleared out before restarting the admin console after upgrading to 3.1.3.


I think I noticed this first in an earlier V3 release, but not sure which one.

Hi All,


Thanks so very much for the feedback!


Illusion, thank you ... the post has been updated (see above).


andyf0, what URL are you using? Please make sure you are using your local ISY Admin OR the server URL at /99i/3.1.3/


Nick, thanks so very much! Done. As you may have noticed - and as per your request - our version of ISY AJAX is also open source. Everyone is welcome to make improvements and we'd be delighted to hear your comments.


ergodic, for #1, please make sure that you have cleared your Java cache and that you are using the latest UI (3.1.3). For #2, we'll investigate and get back to you.


With kind regards,



I am using http://My ISP IP address/admin.jpnl

The IRLinc buttons don't show up in the overview. I confirm with Help/About I'm running 3.1.3.

Maybe LeeG (who seems to own every Insteon device) can confirm?



I am using http://My ISP IP address/admin.jpnl

The IRLinc buttons don't show up in the overview. I confirm with Help/About I'm running 3.1.3.

Maybe LeeG (who seems to own every Insteon device) can confirm?




I am upgrading later today and will be adding an IRLinc TX (converts Insteon to IR) later today. I will also be working extensively with my IRLinc RX as well (converts IR to Insteon). What is it I should be looking for. I am not sure I understand your concern but would like to help if I can by confirming your issue.


Ah! What I have is the IRLinc 2411RR (converts IR to Insteon). If you click on My Lighting in the left pane all the devices show in the right pane. The IRLinc 2411RR is not listed. I also have a RemoteLinc and that shows up fine with a node for each button.




I see what you are talking about. I can confirm this is also the case in the version I am running before upgrade 2.8.16

I will check after upgrading as well


In Variables when I try to change the name of the variable the bottom 20% of the text I am typing is cut off. Once I exit the editing of the line I am able to see all the text.

In Variables when I try to change the name of the variable the bottom 20% of the text I am typing is cut off. Once I exit the editing of the line I am able to see all the text.


I see the problem on an iMac w/Snow Leopard.




The ISY does not seem to recognize the initialized value of a state variable as a "change" when the ISY boots. And so programs that test for the inital value and do not also have a run-at-startup flag do not get triggered. I'd consider this a bug.


Hi ergodic,


We don't consider this a change because all variables are initialized at startup, therefore every program referencing a state variable in its conditions would be run at startup. In other words, we do not know if the value of the variable actually changed from what it was when the ISY was last powered off and/or restarted.


Is there a specific problem this is causing?


The new Homepage is nice on my desktop but not as useful on my android phone.


one note: I had a custom "homepage" on my ISY that was a copy of the original plus the ability to send X10 commands. After I upgraded I thought there was a bug when the links stopped working ( i figured it out eventually that the links changed )






No, nothing that can't be worked around with run-at startup. I had just presumed that assigning a defined value to an undefined value would be considered a "change".


Actually, the way I seem to use them, my preference would be for poking any assignment to a state variable to effect a trigger event on that variable, whether or not the value actually is made different by that assignment. But I realize it also depends on where you plan taking things down the line with state variables.

Ah! What I have is the IRLinc 2411RR (converts IR to Insteon). If you click on My Lighting in the left pane all the devices show in the right pane. The IRLinc 2411RR is not listed. I also have a RemoteLinc and that shows up fine with a node for each button.


I confirm the nodes of the IRLinc RX do not show up in the list of nodes window in 3.1.3


Just for my curiosity, does the IRLinc TX show up? I think when Michel saw my report I communicated which device it was incorrectly and he fixed it for the TX but not the RX.

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