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Help troubleshooting 'partially' responding device

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I am using the ISY 99i device, have approx. 280-300 total links and 7 programs.


I have 2 devices that make up a 3-way.


The load is connected to a KPL.


The secondary switch is a SwitchLinc Dimmer.


Both devices have been added as controllers to a scene to create the 3-way.


The problem is that when I issue a direct command to turn On or Off to either of these devices, they do not actually turn On or Off. For example, if I issue an 'On' command from the software to the device, its state in the software is changed to show 'On', but the device remains off.


The primary device is also part of 2 other scenes as a 'Responder'. It also does not respond when these scenes are triggered from the Insteon devices that control those scenes.


I am still able to manually query the device and the ISY software will then update to correctly reflect the device's current state.


Lastly, as I was trying to control the (3-way) devices using the ISY software I encountered the following error:


'Socket open failed java.net.SocketTimeoutException'


I have never seen an exclamation mark next to these devices under 'My Lighting'.


Any help troubleshooting the probem would be appreciated.

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I am using the ISY 99i device... as I was trying to control the (3-way) devices using the ISY software I encountered the following error:


'Socket open failed java.net.SocketTimeoutException'


I have never seen an exclamation mark next to these devices under 'My Lighting'.


Any help troubleshooting the probem would be appreciated.


That is the second report of this error. Please see this thread regarding this error, and if possible add your input to it, as it may aid Michel in diagnosing the problem. Thanks!

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Thanks for pointing me to the other instance of the error. I added any relevant details to that thread for Michel's benefit.


Note: The failure of some devices to respond to direct ISY commands happens regardless of whether I receive the error. In fact I've only received the error once, but the identified devices regularly fail to respond to commands (but can still be queried.)

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blartyo, thanks so much for updating the other thread--I hope this is of help to the guys in diagnosing the problem.


I hope some of the other users will jump in here with some help on your other problems. Does the 3-way scene work correctly when activated from the devices themselves?

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If you send direct commands to devices and if they do not turn on/off but the status in ISY gets updated, then you have one of the following issues:

1. If you have the same problem with Fast On/Fast Off then please do an airgap on your devices

2. If this is only happening on On/off then devices have either very low on level(in case of on) or very high ramp rate


Please do let me know what you find.


With kind regards,



No problem Joe.


And, yes my 3-way functions perfectly fine when using the devices themselves.

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I found that sometimes the device responded to the direct command and sometimes it didn't. It usually didn't respond to scene commands it was part of (whether the scene was being controlled from the software or from another insteon device.


I tried the air gap on the device and it did not resolve the problem.

BUT, I restored the device and that seems to have resolved the problem.


Thank you.

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Thanks so very much for the update. I can see why restore device would fix the scene issue but I cannot understand how it would fix the direct command issue. We'll investigate.


Thanks again and with kind regards,



I found that sometimes the device responded to the direct command and sometimes it didn't. It usually didn't respond to scene commands it was part of (whether the scene was being controlled from the software or from another insteon device.


I tried the air gap on the device and it did not resolve the problem.

BUT, I restored the device and that seems to have resolved the problem.


Thank you.

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hmmmm, perhaps the air gap did fix the direct command issue I was having.


I think because the device was still not responding as part of the scene, I assumed that the direct command issue was not resolved and just happened to be sporadically working.

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Hello blartyo,


It's very well possible!


With kind regards,



hmmmm, perhaps the air gap did fix the direct command issue I was having.


I think because the device was still not responding as part of the scene, I assumed that the direct command issue was not resolved and just happened to be sporadically working.

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Hi Michel,


I just had another device that was not responding properly to my ISY commands:


-- the ISY software did not accurately reflect the status of the device until it was manually queried.

--The device was set via ISY to have an On-Level of 75%, but when manually turning on the device at the switch, the device illuminated to 100%.

--I have the following program enabled for the device:


       Status  'MBR Bed Main' is Off
   And Control 'MBR Bed Main' is switched Off

       Set 'MBR Bed Main' 20%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The troubles seemed to start after I implemented the program, but I don't want to be too quick to point the finger at it.


Restoring the device did not resolve the issue.


Based on your previous input, I performed an air-gap on the device. The device immediately started working properly (follows ISY On-Level and ISY correctly recognizes status).


Any idea what is going on and why I am having devices stop responding like this? What does the air-gap do? I'm happy that I know a way to resolve the issue when I encounter it, but I would still like to ensure my network is as reliable as possible.


Additional background:

PLM version: rev 2.6

Device: Switchlinc Dimmer v.27


Thank you.

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In INSTEON vernacular, airgap=reboot. So, unfortunatley I have to ask a very stupid question: are you sure you didn't change the on level for the switch in question? Otherwise, I am at a loss!


The reason I ask this is because the program you have is simply turning on the device and does not do anything to the on level.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


I just had another device that was not responding properly to my ISY commands:


-- the ISY software did not accurately reflect the status of the device until it was manually queried.

--The device was set via ISY to have an On-Level of 75%, but when manually turning on the device at the switch, the device illuminated to 100%.

--I have the following program enabled for the device:


       Status  'MBR Bed Main' is Off
   And Control 'MBR Bed Main' is switched Off

       Set 'MBR Bed Main' 20%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The troubles seemed to start after I implemented the program, but I don't want to be too quick to point the finger at it.


Restoring the device did not resolve the issue.


Based on your previous input, I performed an air-gap on the device. The device immediately started working properly (follows ISY On-Level and ISY correctly recognizes status).


Any idea what is going on and why I am having devices stop responding like this? What does the air-gap do? I'm happy that I know a way to resolve the issue when I encounter it, but I would still like to ensure my network is as reliable as possible.


Additional background:

PLM version: rev 2.6

Device: Switchlinc Dimmer v.27


Thank you.

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I did change the on-level because I was testing the device to try to figure out what was wrong. For example, I verified several times that the on-level was at 75% and then would go up to the device and manually turn it on. When I manually turned it on, it would light to 100%. I tried changing the on-level to 30%, 50%, (within the ISY software), but the device would always light to 100%.


It's not such a big deal, since the air-gap resolved the issue. I can let it 'simmer' and will just report any future issues I have. In future I'll try to better document any actions I took pre- and post-problem to help in troubleshooting.



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Whenever the Local Level or Local Ramp Rate are changed in any Insteon device other than a KeypadLinc the new values will not be applied until the device is power cycled. Wired devices have an air gap button, plug in devices have to be unplugged for a few seconds. You can cycle breakers as well.



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