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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

support for Midon Design Temp08 (1-wire temp/hum sensors)?


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The Temp08 takes care of the 1-wire protocol. Its output looks like this:


SUN 16:52:46

Reading Sensors...

Humidity #01[DC0000002B274726]=58%

Voltage #01[520000002B25A826]=00.12V 05.05V

Voltage #02[020000002B2CB326]=03.98V 05.03V

Lightning #01[D4000000045C621D]=00020 24592

Temp #01[4C00080031220C10]=70.80F

Temp #02[10000800312D2B10]=79.80F

Temp #03[520000002B25A826]=76.21F

Temp #04[020000002B2CB326]=72.77F

Temp #05[DC0000002B274726]=76.21F


It reads & reports on the following 1-wire sensors: (I only use temp/humidity stuff myself)


Barometric Sensor DS2438

Counter Sensor (use for Lightning counts) DS2423

Humidity Sensor DS2438

Input Sensor DS2408

LED Sensor DS2408

Output/Relay Sensor DS2408

Rain Sensor DS2423

Temperature DS1820 DS18S20 DS18B20 DS1822 DS1900 DS2438

Voltage Sensor DS2438 DS2450

Wind Speed Sensor DS2423


The CAI WebControl board only handles 1 humidity sensor. I use 9 of the Midon Design MD3020E combo temp/hum sensor boards (http://midondesign.com/Sensors/sensors.html) with 4 installed in the enclosures described here (http://forums.homeseer.com/showthread.php?t=143452) to be able to control humidity related things like bathroom fans during a shower, the AC to dehumidify in the summer, the HRV to dehumidify in the winter, the furnace humidifier, and to turn off the HRV if the (calculated) humidex outside is above a certain level.


io_guy, any interest in writing a windows program? (I only need the temp/humidity outputs.)

io_guy, any interest in writing a windows program? (I only need the temp/humidity outputs.)

It's a serial device so I'd probably have to have one in front of me to debug with. At this point I'm content with the WebControl so I can't see it happening. Sorry.


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