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Strange Flickering

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I'm hoping somebody has had some experience with this one.


I have a room of lights downstairs that flickers when I press any Insteon in the house.


It flickered a little when I had a regular dimmer on it when I pressed Insteon kpls swls etc...

but I chalked it up to a cheap dimmer.


I figured it would go away with the swl (latest model) but it's still there.


The room of ten lights is the only thing on the breaker.


I have the same lights all through the basement hooked up to Insteon and no other issues.


It also flickers when I'm programming with the Console.


I have an electrician who can come and check it out but I wanted to ask on the forum first.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi mbrett;


I did and I didn't actually. I told Rand about it over the phone but forgot to post it.


I moved the flickering switchlinc to a different room to check the line and the breaker.


When I put another switchlinc in its place it didn't flicker. And the new place where I put the old switchlinc that flickered didn't flicker at all.


Was your problem exactly like mine? Did your lights flicker when pressing other insteon stuff?


If so, and this works for you as well, please post back to let me know if switching locations is the fix after or if it was just a fluke on my end.



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Some hardware revisions of SwitchLinc Dimmers where known to flicker with power line noise or Insteon messages to other devices.


If you used a different hardware revision where the flickering was happening. That could explain why it doesn't flicker and the old ones new area my not have the noise that originally caused it to flicker.

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