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EZX10RF corrrect method


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It has been a while since I used the EZX10RF as last one died some time ago and just ordered a new one. I know the isy firmware has some new enhancements or at least instructions in this regards, but to be sure, the procedure is:


1) Link the EZX10RF to isy first like any other insteon device

2) use the "add x10 devices to EZX10RF" menu for adding an x10 address

3) complete step #2 to full completeion and repeat #2 for next x10 device


Is this the right idea? Is it possible to add several x10 devices (addressses) while still in the middle of step #2 or does each one need to be a completely different occurance?


also not clear #1 even needs to be done, or can you just start with step #2 as does the EZX10RF need to be linked first? Sorry for the simplified insturction request, but I know last time I had a lot of trial and error that I would like to streamline this time




Adding the EZX10RF to the ISY and defining the first X10 code can be combined by starting with the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF function. Or the EZX10RF can be added to the ISY with New INSTEON Device (be sure to select the EZX10RF device type), then use the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF to define the X10 code. Either way the process described in the popup instructions must be followed for one X10 code only. Repeat the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF for each X10 code.


Note that some EZX10RF devices require one additional Set button press to complete the process. If the EZX10RF status LED does not react as the last step indicates press the Set button one more time. The possible need for this is covered in the EZX10RF Quick Start guide. Depends on the internal PLM variant.




Thanks Lee,

yes it is coming back to me now, I think that is what got me confused last time is that I had to do an "extra" push on the set button so not exactly as the insturctions indicated. Perhpas this wont be the case this time as it is a new EZX10RF as well as I have upgraed my PLM to the newer dual Band one... we will see. I just remember never feeling like I was "doing it right" is was kind of ht an miss and as I was trying to link all 16 keys on a X10 PalmPad and had to start over several times, I took up an entire afternoon (hoping to avoid that this time).



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