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ISY Reboot always turns an appliance module on

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For several weeks now, whenever I restart my ISY (after either power off or firmware upgrade) it automatically turns on a particular appliance module. I believe this started happening when I got a warranty replacement for my ISY changing from the metal case to the plastic case version. I cannot find anything that allows me to check or set the initial status of an appliance module on reboot of the ISY. Is there a programming way to stop this? Otherwise, I'll have to look at replacing the appliance module.

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Unless the ApplianceLinc is turning On in response to a Query it is not something the ISY did on its own. More likely a Program is running because of the Run at Startup option or Catch up. Look for a Program(s) that turns On the ApplianceLinc explicitly with a Direct command or turns On a Scene that has the ApplianceLinc as a Responder. The Program(s) can be temporarily disabled as a means of verifying they are turning On the ApplianceLinc.



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