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few communication issues


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I have a couple of questions.

1. I recently replaced some devices that a were controlled by a keypadLinc 8. when I look at the device controller/responder info it looks as if it was OK. the keypadlinc button does not control them. they do work manually.

I did try the 'restore' feature a few times and it does not seem to work. it writes for a long time, like 10 of minutes.....

2. when I do make changes to the switches it seems to write to the devices for a long, long, long time. is that normal?


3. I recently had a power outage and one of my keypadLinc 8 reset back to a keypad 6 setup. I have tried to restore the device and it does not change it back to the 8 button setup. should that happen?


4. I seem to have to reset the 99i with a power unplug at times and not sure why it is hung. I do this after the java window will not pop up or the login window. not sure why but it seems very unstable.


Any suggestions would be great.


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Hello jeffc,


Apologies for tardy reply.



1. I recently replaced some devices that a were controlled by a keypadLinc 8. when I look at the device controller/responder info it looks as if it was OK. the keypadlinc button does not control them. they do work manually.

I did try the 'restore' feature a few times and it does not seem to work. it writes for a long time, like 10 of minutes.....

How did you replace them? Did you use the Replace feature from Admin Console?


2. when I do make changes to the switches it seems to write to the devices for a long, long, long time. is that normal?

This depends on what changes and what is very very long time. Does it eventually succeed?


3. I recently had a power outage and one of my keypadLinc 8 reset back to a keypad 6 setup. I have tried to restore the device and it does not change it back to the 8 button setup. should that happen?

The only way to get a KPL to change to 8 button behavior is to:

1. Take the set button out

2. Press and hold buttons A and H simultaneously and then slide the set button back in


4. I seem to have to reset the 99i with a power unplug at times and not sure why it is hung. I do this after the java window will not pop up or the login window. not sure why but it seems very unstable.

This is not normal. What is your ISY's firmware version?


Any suggestions would be great.


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