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Losing Network Connectivity after VBS scripting REST command


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So here's my setup

i'm running an ISY-99i PRO / IR on 3.1.6


The ISY seems to hang / lose network connectivity after running a few VBS scripts to the REST interface


here's what i've determined:

1) I can run the scripts fine from 5-20 times then the isy loses network connectivity

2) The scripts will then report back:

The system cannot locate the resource specified - 800C0005

and i can't access the java applet anymore / the webserver times out until i reboot the ISY

3) i can still connect to it via serial and hyperterminal when it is hung

4) I can seem to put the URLs into Chrome and run them as many times as i want without problems (not after it is hung - just that Chrome requesting the REST commands seems not to make it)

5) I put the code in visual studio and looped it 200 times, and couldn't get it to hang either, but when i put it in a .vbs file, then it hangs after a few runs.


It seems like it just runs out of sockets or something, and then refuses to open another connection.


Below is a sample of my code:


Option Explicit
Dim restReq, url, userName, password
Set restReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
url = "http:///rest/nodes/47403/cmd/DON" 
userName = "admin"
password = "pw"
restReq.open "GET", url, false, userName, password

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Hi bruinlax,


Apologies for the inconvenience. First of all, 3.1.6 is a beta release which might not be stable enough for your test cases. Can you tell me the frequency of calls to /rest? Are they quickly (say every few seconds) and does ISY have access to the outside world?


Also, please note that if you bombard ISY with /rest requests - and if they are to command devices - all ISY http tasks might block till the first command is completed. So, if you have a device that is not communicating, all other tasks are going to wait. Depending on what you are doing, this might take a minute or so.


With kind regards,


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i discovered i'd lose connectivity when I would run a vbs script every now and then - (they'd only run one at time). couldn't access the ISY from any computer.


To trouble shoot -i wrote one simple program on the ISY that increments a variable, and i would run a vbs script that calls the program via the REST every few seconds manually until i could get it to freeze. (again about 5-20 runs at every few seconds)


The odd thing now is I put that code in a full VB .net program, and looped it 200 times (2 second intervals), and i couldn't get it to freeze . so it's only when i put the code in a .vbs and run it through wscript


hmm - i can work through a full vb.net program, but just curious if there's any interesting debugging i could do via the rs-232 interface to see what's going on.

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Hello bruinlax,


Apologies for tardy reply. Boy, that's quite strange.


Unfortunately without a debug build, there's not much you can get out of the shell except for some run time information.


Now, is it possible that vbs is losing the userid/password? If so, that would explain everything: ISY is going to DOS mode (does not allow any more access for a while). Please take a look at your Error Log and check for -100xx errors.


With kind regards,


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here is the error log after i reproduced the error: - I let it sit over night and it didn't gain connectivity again.


Wed 2011/09/14 12:39:28 AM System -10011 n/a

Wed 2011/09/14 12:39:32 AM System -10011 n/a

Wed 2011/09/14 12:39:49 AM System -100 No network connection

Wed 2011/09/14 12:42:19 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:6 error:6

Wed 2011/09/14 12:42:29 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:6 error:6

Wed 2011/09/14 12:42:29 AM System -10103 n/a

Wed 2011/09/14 12:42:39 AM System -5012 n/a

Wed 2011/09/14 12:45:48 AM System -10103 n/a

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well - i just installed 3.1.7 and *so far* (about 75 runs of scripts) can no longer reproduce the error, I'll let you know if it changes, but in the meantime, thanks for the great support.


oh - and i wasn't subscribing to the feeds at all - just running one off scripts (turn on lights etc) on a windows machine.

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