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Unusable on laptop but works fine on desktop??


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I need help, running an ISY-99i 2.8.16, when interacting via Internet Explorer 9, Windows 7, and Java 6.27 for IE 32 bit works normally on Desktop computer, works very abnormally on Laptop. Used to work fine on the laptop computer, cannot figure out why it stopped working suddenly. This is unfortunate because the laptop is what I usually use for my ISY-99i at my home and another at my cabin.


Here's what happens:


1. Asks "Authenticate my lighting" user name and password as usual.

2. Exclamation points on all devices.

3. Asks again to "Athenticate My Lighting".

4. Repeats itself over and over.

5. Occasionally it will stop asking at some point...

6. And devices do not respond to changes..

7. No correct device status...

8. All devices show 9.0 Minute Ramp Rate on upper right of console.

9. Does not do the usual complaints about non-working devices.


So completely unusable. I have tried of course installing all current Microsoft updates, removing and reinstalling Java, restarting computer and ISY-99i, checked everything I can think of that might be different between the two machines. I have tried running "As Administrator", nothing. I have NOT done a factory reset on the ISY-99i, see no point in that since it works properly on the desktop.


Has anyone else had this problem, ideas on the cure? I'm about ready to get a new laptop if that's what it'll take.



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Thanks Michel, sort of - as a matter of fact I did convert from McAfee anti-virus to Kaspersky recently but this problem predates that I think. I did recently switch from a Netgear hardware firewall/router to an Apple Airport Extreme but this problem exists at the other location with the same old router. No know changes to the Windows Firewall part but I may have without knowing it. What should I look for on each of these?


Sounds like this is correctable...



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Tim, thank you so much, I was wrong, I thought this issue predated the Kaspersky change but implementing the trusted web site corrected the problem so clearly this was the cause!





Don't know if this will help but I did a search on Kaspersky on this forum and found this:




And this on airport extreme:




Hope it helps.


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