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Release 3.1.9 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Lee, thanks for the response, I think. The ugly system design makes me ill! I guess whoever designed the PLM graduated low in his CS classes.


I did not mean to imply that my communication issues were caused by anything other than the usual suspects - noisy and/or signal sucking line devices. I was just thinking that the communication issues might further contribute to corruption of the PLM.

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Pretty frustrated now. I really did not want an update but had to have it for a new keypadlinc support. Now I get to spend hours figuring out why the new version does not work right?


I downloaded the latest 6.0.2 Firefox. Cleared my Java cache multiple times. Turned off all firewalls. reconfigured the DNS.

Cold booted the ISY.


I can see the ISY activity in the log getting a query from all devices on boot but still nothing in the current states windows.???

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turned off the firewall earlier and no difference.

Avast runs on both laptop (that works and desktop that does not).


What I find frustrating is not knowing where to Look? Doesn't the error log tell us anything?

Why does everything get served up to the screen except status?

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Hello all, sincere apologies for tardy reply.


ELA, please do contact our tech support and let us help you get unfrustrated! The problem is firewall blocking ISY from sending updates to the computer. As far as the program not running, that's a little more serious and it would really help if our tech support team can log into your system and see what's going on.


Tim, are you still having issues with WOL not being sent? I did a quick test and it works fine here. As far as the errors, it does not make sense because we now log authentication errors only if the attempt is greater than 1. Who is Is that DSCLink?


io_guy, do you always send the userid/password with every request from DSCLink?


With kind regards,


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Hello ELA,


I guarantee you that the problem is firewall and, in 99.99% of the cases, the filters applied by the firewall are NOT removed even if you disable the firewall. What we need to do is to put ISY's IP address (or URL) in the trusted zone/whitelist for Avast.


As far as the other question, there are two types of information:

1. Configuration such as nodes, system/network config, etc. which are PULLED by the Admin Console from ISY. This will not pose any problems to the firewall

2. Status updates (things that might change frequently) which are PUSHED to the Admin Console in which case the firewall might block it since it might consider it as an attack


With kind regards,



turned off the firewall earlier and no difference.

Avast runs on both laptop (that works and desktop that does not).


What I find frustrating is not knowing where to Look? Doesn't the error log tell us anything?

Why does everything get served up to the screen except status?

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Tim, are you still having issues with WOL not being sent? I did a quick test and it works fine here. As far as the errors, it does not make sense because we now log authentication errors only if the attempt is greater than 1. Who is Is that DSCLink?

Hi Michel,


I am not sure yet about the WOL issue yet.


That ip address is the computer running the DSCLink and 2 WCLink's. The error log isn't nearly as large as it was during 3.1.6, but it is larger than previous 3.1.6 releases.




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Thanks for your response Michel,

I am running comodo firewall and turning it off made no difference. After reading your response I also turned off Avast Antivirus and as you said the status then works.

I do not understand why Avast blocks on one computer and not on the other. I also do not understand why it blocks now and did not in previous ISY versions?


Can you please explain in more detail how to add it to the AVAST allowed list? I am experimenting with that now not am unsure where to look and what to add.


The laptop does not show any specifically "allowed" items yet it does not block? I have run AVAST longer than I have had an ISY and never encountered this before? I am only familiar with allowing programs in comodo (firewall) and have never had to do any of this in AVAST previously.

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Thanks LeeG,

I used what the post by Brian said to check, "scan traffic from Well-known browser processes only" , whatever that means? and it worked.


I had previously found my own way to the Web shield section as the issue and had tried entering the http// addresses and that did not work.


Appreciate the quick response as this kind of stuff drives me up the wall. Hours down the drain.

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Just wanted to say thank you again!


I confirmed that the laptop had an older version of AVAST that did not even include the "scan traffic from Well-known browser processes only"option. When I upgraded its AVAST it also failed to show the status. The new AVAST help did not mention what that option means. I will go to their site and see if there is info there.


Appears it was a coincidence that I upgraded my ISY at or near the same time as Avast upgraded itself.


Thank you all for you expert help! much appreciated.

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I am having trouble adding items to wake on lan.


It says "Invalid mac address format. Valid values are A-F, 0 to 9 seperated by a -"


I used to be able to add them by copy/paste from router with the ":" but even when I try the - it will not let me add or adjust the ones I have.






I have the same problem. Found that the lower case letters were the problem. Changed to upper case letters then I could save.




the MAC addr. must be both formatted with a dash "-" and must be all upper case. ( unlike with a colon and lower case as with most network hardware products and unix/linux based systems )




00-01-55-12-2E-AC : Good

00-01-55-12-2e-ac : Bad (lower case)

00:01:55:12:2E:AC : Bad (uses ":" instead of dash "-" )

00:01:55:12:2e:ac : Bad (lower case AND uses ":" instead of dash "-" )

00 015512 2E AC : Bad (uses spaces instead of "-" )


in the past the ISY would error silently if the MAC addr was not formatted right and send out bogus WOL packets full of NULLS.


They fixed the bug by asserting better input checking, it is possible that you may have some old entries that may need to be reentered.

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They fixed the bug by asserting better input checking, it is possible that you may have some old entries that may need to be reentered.


You hit the nail on the head. Some of my old config's did use all lower case. I haven't used wol for, well, a very long time. So I didn't notice until I tried using them.


Thank you for the info.,



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Hi polexian,


Yes, I did! X should NOT close that dialog. Only clicking the Finish button should.


If clicking the Finish button does not close that dialog, then there is a bug. This said, based on your previous problems with the Admin Console, I still think you have a conflict with previous version of Admin Console. I strongly recommend clearing your Java Cache and then going to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.1.9/admin.jnlp .


With kind regards,


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Finish does the same exact thing. In all cases, we have to take the PLM out of linking mode and we wanted this to be explicit by forcing the use of the Finish button.


Moshe/rlebel, would you please let me know:

1. Which iPhone application you are using?

2. Do you have this problem locally or when on 3G?


With kind regards,


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Thanks everyone for the help with the WOL issue, I love that we are all helping Michael with some of the requested answers in this form, your answers were spot on.



I think I have found a bug, when I click on the floor plan button it does not bring up the floor plan but instead expands the device menu tree. The floor plan was not something I was using (clicked on it by mistake). Cleared java reloaded and still the same.


I do have another issue that has come up after the install of 316 and is still happening through 317, 319.


I was getting a weird response from a couple of switches and I checked the device link table and found some record mismatches. I restored the switches to solve the problem and I am now getting the switch ghost lighting on and off multiple times. I of course, factory reset the switch and restored the device again but the problem persists. Furthermore I have two scenes that have started turning on and off by themselves. I looked on the log and it says that the "system" is turning them on and off, but I don’t know why. How can I find out what program/event is turning them on and off? Seems to be only happening to switches I restored or adjusted scene info.



Cleared Java no help.

I did a find/replace to see all programs they were in and I found nothing that was out of place.

I do have an elk system running with ISY and I was thinking that it might be that, the lights would turn on right after Elk motion turned on hall lights. I unplugged the network on the Elk and the same problem persists just not so closely timed to commands from Elk, now just random

100 plus devices of all makes but no thermostat (been waiting to see them get it working right)

System has some 7 year old switches to 1 month old




Edit: I tried adding and removing a new kedpad. (forgot to make it 8 button before adding) When I went to remove it, it would only remove each button at a time, not the whole switch. I had to remove a,b,c,d,1

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Hello Baypointe,


The Floorplan does indeed expand the tree but you should see another dialog. Please note that we have not done anything with the Floorplan for more than 3 years now and it shall be removed in one of our future releases.


As far as intermittent issues, I think it would be best to setup a call with our tech support team rather than going back and forth on the forum. Since the log shows that the status changed (system means that the device sent a response to ISY), then I suspect that the device is sending something to ISY on its own. This means that the device has been linked to ISY. So, what you need to do is to figure out to what devices is this device linked.


j0dan, 3.1.8 or 3.1.9?



With kind regards,


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