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Release 3.1.9 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Regarding the KeypadLinc, it must be a 6 button KeypadLinc reconfigured to 8 buttons. If the Cat/Subcat values indicated an 8 button KeypadLinc the nodes would start 1,B,C,D, etc. rather than 1,A,B,C,D. The ISY does not recognize nor have the ability to switch between 6/8 button mode. For a 6 button KeypadLinc to add as an 8 button KeypadLinc the Device Type must specify an 8 button KeypadLinc


A comm error will often result in a red ! to the left of the device node in the My Lighting tree. Right click on the node and select Query. This will normally clear a transient comm error.



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The device I was trying to add is an 8 button device. Model 2468D v.36. When I tried adding to the ISY using "Start Linking" It gave me what I described previously and then it would just tell me that it could not communicate with the device. When I added it using "New Insteon Device" and specifying the address but not the type of device, it found it and added it correctly. This never happened with a previous release.


Thanks for the tip on clearing the ! but my point is that I never used to get this problem on previous releases and now it is happening a lot more frequently. Maybe something changed on the power network but I have about 70 devices in my house at this point in time and they were all communicating fine before the current release.



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I have had this happen a few times, but not consistently.

Open Administrative Console using the jnp link I downloaded for 3.1.9

No Module Status shows in My Lighting for the modules.

Open Event Viewer and set to communications messages.

Do a query of My Lighting.

Ready Icon on bottom left stays Ready.

Nothing shows in the Event Viewer.

No Query progress box shows on the screen.

Though I think it is doing a query as the LEDs on some of the modules are flashing. Indicating messages are on the power line.

Closing Administration Console and restarting. Then everything is OK.

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Just got a 2411T every time i try to add it it fails Forgot to add on the beta version 3.1.9


node not added - failed restoring device




Please advise brand new out of the box....


Thank You



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Hello all,


handyman300, is it always the same devices that have the communication errors? If so, then we will have to figure out what's causing the communication errors.


bocarob, please note that only one firmware version of 2411T works with ISY ... if you have their latest firmware, please do be kind enough to contact SmartHome and request that they send you one with firmware that works with ISY. If you have any problems, please do be kind enough to contact us (support@universal-devices.com) and we'll get that taken care of for you.


BrianH, it seems that for some reason the initial subscription is not successful. We'll take a closer look and see what's going on.


j0dan, we are working on it.


With kind regards,


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No it is different devices each time with the communication errors. I will begin to track it better but it also seems that it only occurs when I start up the admin console initially. For instance I left the admin console running all last night and I just checked and no devices are reporting errors. I will track this a little closer and report back.


I am also still having trouble getting the admin console to start up correctly each time. For instance I just closed the console that I had running fine all night and restarted it and no states showed up at all. I then closed it down, restarted it again and the states are back.


Also just a side note I always get the error "Socket Open Failed SSDPClient" every time I open up the admin console. It has been doing this since I started with the ISY99i over 2 years ago. It is never a problem but I don't understand why it consistently happens.

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Maybe just coincidence...

but since upgrading to 3.1.9, all of my early (1st version) Motion Sensors have failed.

I have replaced them with newer versions, and all appears OK.

Actually I have one V1 still working.

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Since I am not using these features. The following erroer messages can be ignored.

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:49 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/IR.CFG

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:50 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/INTEGER.VAR

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:50 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/STATE.VAR

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:50 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/INTEGER.VAR

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:50 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/STATE.VAR

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:51 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/NET/WOL.CFG

Thu 2011/09/29 10:10:58 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/ELK.CNF

Thu 2011/09/29 10:11:04 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/NET/WOL.CFG

Thu 2011/09/29 10:11:07 AM System -170001 [sLF] FileOpen Failed: /CONF/ELK.CNF

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Hello handyman300,


We are looking into subscription issue. The SSDP issue is related to MAC's firewall blocking UDP traffic. Perhaps we'll disable SSDP (UPnP) on MAC. Above and beyond the initial dialog, that error is completely benign.


Hello CopyRon, can you explain what you mean by fail? Does it mean that they do not report their status?


BrianH, you are 100% correct. Those errors can be ignored completely.


With kind regards,


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Thank You Michel:


Could be so kind to tell me what version I should be requesting and will there be plans to support other versions so i can decide wither to keep the device


Thank you regards



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Hello handyman300,


We are looking into subscription issue. The SSDP issue is related to MAC's firewall blocking UDP traffic. Perhaps we'll disable SSDP (UPnP) on MAC. Above and beyond the initial dialog, that error is completely benign.


Hello CopyRon, can you explain what you mean by fail? Does it mean that they do not report their status?


BrianH, you are 100% correct. Those errors can be ignored completely.


With kind regards,



They not only don't report their status, but they do not control the lights they are linked to.

However, if I manually push the button inside the motion sensor they will activate their linked device.

I removed and reinstalled the MS v1's and they might work for another day or so and then same behavior.

ISY would say they were not responding and to check connections.

Replacing with V2 solved this.

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Please do let me know if disabling those programs helped at all. If not, then I would have to suspect a corrupt or defective SD Card (but that would not make sense since the problem is always the same devices which are in those programs).


I am hoping to have a better understanding of our next release date by upcoming weekend.


Sincere apologies for all these problems ... I know how frustrating this has been.


With kind regards,



Any update after the weekend?


Disabling those programs have stopped it from happening so far, but after checking other devices, it looks like any device that gets accessed often is having this problem. I've found several more devices with bad link tables.


I did figure out the garage door glitch thankfully. Was related to this problem but several steps removed.


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Ok, now we need a little more specifics ... what do you mean by "accessed often"? How is it accessed? Accessed to query? Accessed through programs? Accessed physically? Is it the same exact bug where you lose the where the .REC become empty?


What do you mean by "BETTER LOGGING" ... what was missing and what did you expect?


Next release hopefully by the end of the week.


With kind regards,


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FWIW, the subscription issue seems to be noticeably worse for me between 3.1.6 and 3.1.9. (I didn't load any of the intermediate ones).


It probably happens 1 out of 3 times now when I open the console, sometimes two or three times in succession.


Just for me, one thing that would be "better logging" would to eliminate the comm. error pop-ups and place them in a separate, non-interrupting, scrolling, log window where you could see the history and event time clearly and don't have only the last one for a device -- one that disappears as soon you dismiss it.


Last-error-time, device error count/failed comm percentage for devices are simple but also could be very useful logging diagnostics.


Even a line in the event log indicating when a comm. has failed would help. Figuring out what represents a retransmission/comm failure from the event log may be easy if you have the Insteon protocol reverse-engineered and memorized, but I don't and it's often difficult to even tease out what's what.

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Don't know if this is a bug, but it seems serious enough to me.


I tried to log onto my admin console from a remote location using a public library PC. Because the Java add-on was not available (I did not have permissions to add it), I found I logged onto something that looked a little like the Orchestrator Dashboard application available from this site.


While the main menu list provided links to devices, scenes, weather module and variables, I could not find a log-out option anywhere on the scene. It's my understanding closing the window would not necessarily log me out.


So whatever application creates that screen when Java is not installed, should be modified to include a logout option. If closing that window is the same as logging out, I still think it needs a logout link.

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Hello ergodic,


Thanks so very much for the suggestions. I am hoping that 3.1.10 would help alleviate the subscription issues but I have my doubts ... do you have Avast?


sanders2222, if you use the Admin Console or the Dashboard, closing it will log you off. If you are going to the HTML/Javascript page, then you are not actually logging in to ISY. You are just communicating with ISY and sending your credentials with each request. That's why when you are remote, we strongly recommend using HTTPS.


With kind regards,


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Ok, now we need a little more specifics ... what do you mean by "accessed often"? How is it accessed? Accessed to query? Accessed through programs? Accessed physically? Is it the same exact bug where you lose the where the .REC become empty?


What do you mean by "BETTER LOGGING" ... what was missing and what did you expect?


Next release hopefully by the end of the week.


With kind regards,



Through programs, physically pressed and interacted with. All of the devices so far are in scenes that are adjusted in programs. It seems like the more the device is used, the greater a chance of it being corrupted. Which fits in line with your database locking problem.


I don't know if the .REC becomes empty, but the GUI either has it confused with another device or there's nothing there. The GUI doesn't always display what is in the .REC either.


We need a logging system where we can actually see what's going on with programs and devices. It should log things like when programs run, what their status was when it was ran. If something strange happens on my network, I should be able to see what triggered it in the log. Right now I can't.

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Hi j0dan,


Thank you.


As far as logs, you can see all network errors/warnings in the error log. As far as logging everything that happens, it's a delicate balance between performance and logging. We have kept logging event to the most essential events (in the logs and NOT error log). In any case, I think we may have found the issue.


Moshe, polexian is correct. Please make sure that if you have setup a static IP address, that it can access the Internet.


With kind regards,


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Polexian and Michel -


Thanks for your help.


I guess I don't understand why all of a sudden I am not able to resolve the time server I have been using for over 2 years. (pool.ntp.org)



for what its worth, I use us.pool.ntp.org with a static IP address and router with DNSMasq enabled.

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Polexian and Michel -


Thanks for your help.


I guess I don't understand why all of a sudden I am not able to resolve the time server I have been using for over 2 years. (pool.ntp.org


I tried different time servers checked to see if my antivirus was blocking it and checked my Fios router. All seemed to be o.k. The only thing that seemed to work was to reboot my ISY and Fios router.



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