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Will my ISY-99IR work with the brand new Insteon RemoteLinc


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I see where SmartHome will begin shipping their new RemoteLinc 2 tomorrow. I have made it a habit to never linc anything manually since I want to do it using my ISY-99ir. I create all my scenes and programs in the ISY-99. I know that their is a special feature in the admin console under "Linc Management" for linking a RemoteLinc but not sure if that feature would work on the new "RemoteLinc 2" since they are brand new.


Thanks for all the wonderful support I have received on this forum. I am a newbi but learning with everyone's help.

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So much for that. I was adding some links to the RL2 and ran in to problems. Links ended up missing. I tried to restore the device, no dice. I deleted it and then when trying to add it again I ran in to the "high watermark" error and cannot seem to get it linked now. :shock:


Not sure if it's pertinent but I believe I was on 3.1.8 when I was able to add it. I'm on 3.1.9 now.

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Thanks. That is one of the pieces of information that does not seem to be documented. How to keep the device awake for programmatic changes. The current RemoteLinc uses a press of the Dim/Bright buttons without selecting a specific controller button. I suspect that it worked more by accident the time it was added as a device. Think we will have to wait until the ISY picks up formal support before it works reliably unless someone stumbles into correct sequence, if there is one. Some of the other RF only devices have commands that keep the RF circuitry on but the application has to be looking for a particular message from the device so it knows to issue those commands. Otherwise the device just goes back to sleep to save battery life where no commands are possible.

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