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ISY Goes Off-Line

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I recently upgraded the firmware to 2.8.16 and have nothing but problems since. Virtually everyday at random times the ISY system seems to just go off line. There is no error. The only way that I can get back communication or get the ISY-99i to start controling again is to unplug the PLM and 'reboot' the system. When I look at the log the only thing that shows on a regular basis is a line that says: Insteon Device:0 ; Control:null;Value[blank]; Time:Mon 2011/10/03 05:57:44 PM(but this is random but everyday for the last two weeks);User:System;Log Type:Start


Since the upgrade the RemoteLinc (3 units) would not work but did previously, the two Insteon Motion sensors only worked intermittantly and never in the morning when we needed them (usually meant the system was off-line). When I upgraded the firmware one of the RemoteLinc units showed the need to 'write changes' but always failed to write the changes. I have since removed all of the RemoteLincs and Motion Sensors thinking that was the problem. The removal was very difficult and I had to reboot (unplugging the PLM) after and sometimes before each attempt to remove the unit. I have tried to relink the RemoteLincs and in all cases I get an error and they will not link back with the ISY.


I have the ISY 99i Pro (1040) with Insteon UD99 v.2.8.16 firmware.


Any help you can give me to solve this issue would b greatly appreciated. I am getting real tired of rebooting the system everyday and sometimes twice a day.

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Some more information. I thought maybe that the firmware might be corrupt so I tried to reload the firmware 2.8.16. I went through the process of flushing the Java Cache and removing the certificates. The firmware will not load and I get the errors:

"Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size in invalid)"

"Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

2nd attempt:

"Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size in invalid)"

"Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine"

After the 2nd attempt it took three power off reboots to get communication back with the ISY.

Is it time to completly start over with a new blank SD card? Or is it time to find another solution for controling the Insteon lighting system. The ISY system worked pretty much flawlessly for 3 years, but I am ready to move on if necessary. :?:

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Hello rjc1257,


I am so very sorry to hear about all the problems you have been having.


Please note the following:

If you have any devices with green 1010 icons, this means that there are pending device writes. As long as you have those icons, ISY will try to write those updates any time you do anything that might be related to those devices. This might cause LONG delays to the point that you may think that the unit is no longer responsive.


You have two choices:

1. For those with green 1010 icons, try and make sure they are cleared by choosing Write updates to device menu (right mouse click on the node)

2. If all your efforts fail in #1 above, the disable those nodes (right mouse click | Disable)


If you are still having issue, please do contact our tech support team and schedule a remote tech session.


With kind regards,


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I have tried to write to the devices that had the green 1010 icons both through automatic and right click. In all cases it has not worked. I have diabled the devices and that did not work. Now I have completely removed the devices and that did not work. I will try to set up a tech appointment.

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