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Email notification of failed device QueryAll


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I would like to schedule a QueryAll twice a day, and be notified via email only if the query fails. I can see how to add that condition in "IF" (seems like something that should actually happen in THEN, since its a scheduled query), but it when I do that the Query listed there does not appear to run.

Bottom line - does anyone have an example of how I might query all my devices and receive notification if the query fails? Thanks!

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Specific error information is not necessary, I just need to know if the group Query came back successful, or if any of the devices failed to be properly queried. I don't need to know which device failed the query - though it would be nice - just if the query failed. I am using my insteon hardware and ISY controller to perform device control that simulates occupancy in a test home. Ovens/lights/showers/etc. come on/off on a regular schedule that mimics the actions of a home occupied by four people. Then certain equipment, for instance a variety of HVAC systems, are tested under conditions generated by the simulated occupancy. Because regular and repeatable patterns are necessary to compare the performance of different HVAC systems, it is important that the occupancy schedule runs correctly every day. On occasion I’ve come into the test home to see that the ISY could not communicate with a particular device for some reason. I would like to know when this happens and figured an occasional query would let me know about such failures. If you have some other methodology that would give me this type of information - via email notification - I’d be interested in giving it a try.

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In that case, how about something as simple as adding a Notification to the query program, before and after the query, like this:


       Time is 12:50:00AM
    Or Time is  5:50:00AM
    Or Time is 12:50:00PM

       Send Notification to 'Tim's email' content 'Full'
       Set Scene 'House' Query
       Send Notification to 'Tim's email' content 'Full'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Then time your normal query. When the program runs it will send a time stamped email before and after the query so you can compare the run times. Anything longer than your normal query will indicate some sort of communication error so you can remotely log on to see if there is a problem and which device might have caused it (by a red ! next to the device), or if the problem cleared itself up.






Or if you want fewer emails then try this:


Create a new query such as this one or modify your existing query:


Program: Query

       Time is  1:15:00AM

       Set Scene 'House' Query
       Run Program 'Query ' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Next create a new program such as this:


Program: Query Failed

       Program 'Query' is True

       Wait  2 minutes 
       Send Notification to 'Tim's email'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Set the wait time in Query Failed to be a bit longer than your average query takes. If the query takes longer than normal then the second program will fire off an email to you.

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  • 2 months later...

As often as Insteon Switchlincs/Keypadlincs/IOLincs/and InLineLincs fail to respond, even with robustly built Insteon solution (lots of filters on all flat screen TV's, backups's, etc.), extra AP's (including 2 at the base of each electrical panel), a $1,500 custom built Insteon Blocking Filter on the Variable Speed Wellpump Controller, and more........I too need what would seem to be basic email notification ability, when a module fails to respond.


This would allow me to know when something is newly causing Insteon Network errors, above and beyond what had been seen for a while. Aka, something new always begins to happen. For example, lately, the front porch light switch at my client's fails to respond about every other time. A completely new issue than before.


Having simple Condition Statements in the Program functions would make good sense....and help immensely.


- Rob

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