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14 minute execution delay?


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I set up some simple code to turn a light off at 11:45PM last night, but according to the ISY log, the code didn't execute until 11:59PM and change. The light did indeed stay on until 11:59PM when it went off.


I checked that the ISY was sync'd up with my PC time/date (it was) and that my location was correct (it was).


Any idea why execution was delayed?



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I'm not on the PC connected to my ISY, but I believe the code looked like this:




On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

Time is 6:50:00AM

And Status 'MBRM - 00.65.BE.1' is Off


[ Run programs in Folder ]


[Program A]




Set 'MBRM - 00.65.BE.1' On


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


[Program B]




Wait 5 minutes

Set 'Fireplace - 00.47.B5.1' On


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


[Program C]




Wait 10 minutes

Set 'Stairs - 00.65.8F.1' On


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Basically, a Folder contains a time and a status conditional, and 3 Programs in the Folder set the state of a light after a variable WAIT period.


Is there anything in this approach that would add a signficant time delay?



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Hi Rod,


Sorry, but I don't see anything in the programs you posted relating to the original question of 11:45PM? Perhaps you meant to post a different program?


However, I don't think the folder/programs you did post will work as you expect because:

1. The programs within the folder will run only at 6:50AM because of the folder condition (perhaps that is what you want?),

2. If Program A were to run, it would make the folder condition False, so no further programs within the folder would run, and

3. None of the programs shown will run on their own, because none of them have any conditions.


The last point (3) is perhaps the toughest one to grasp--I originally struggled with this as well. Conditions on a folder only determine when programs within a folder are allowed to run, but do not in any way initiate the running of any programs. For any program to run (other than being explicitly called by another program), it must have conditions. And, those conditions will be evaluated only when one of them changes, not when the enclosing folder's conditions changes.


Hope this helps.

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Sorry, that "6:50AM" sequence is burned into my brain from another problem - that segment was to turn the lights ON in the morning... a similar set of programs is supposed to turn them off at night starting 11:45PM (on weekdays).


We can probably kill this thread - it looks like I saved over the configuration file that gave me the weird 14 minute delay, and I can't remember the whole sequence. Since it didn't work that well anyway, I guess there's no point in continuing this discussion.


I've since rewritten all the lights programs using a suggestion made elsewhere in this forum, and it all works as it should. Thanks for trying to help me out yardman and JAJ, and my apologies for such sloppy file maintenance - I now save each set of changes to a new *.zip file with an embedded timestamp in the filename, so I can recall it later if necessary.



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