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Is there a way to Group devices under a parent name?


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I wanted to clean up the look of buttons under a KeypadLink so that I would see something like:

KeypadLinc Family Room

Button 1

Button 2

Button 3

Button 4

Button 5

Button 6

Button 7

Button 8


But when I pick a KeypadLinc button and attempt to group it the group has as its title the name of button 1:

Button 1

Button 2

Button 3

Button 4

Button 5

Button 6

Button 7

Button 8

That looks a bit odd, is there a way to have it group the way I wanted or does the parent node in the group always refer to the first button?


I really want to say I am so impressed and appreciative for how responsive and helpful everyone is on this forum. Thanks so much and happy Thanksgiving!



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"is there a way to have it group the way I wanted or does the parent node in the group always refer to the first button?"


The individual buttons can be named whatever you want but a KeypadLinc has only 8 buttons max. There cannot be 9 nodes for an 8 button KeypadLinc. The KeypadLinc Primary load control button is always first with each Secondary button in Group number order following.

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