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Linking a KPL with the ISY-26


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Hello Michel,

I finally received the kpl that I was waiting on. I put the isy into linking mode with the admin console and pressed the set button on the kpl. The only button on the kpl that linked was button a. How do I link the other seven buttons? Thanks....


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I tried holding button B ( and button A ). Button B did not link with the plm. What I did initially to get button A linked to the isy/plm was to put the isy/plm into linking mode and then i pressed the set button on the kpl. I was hoping that it would react like a controllinc or a remotelinc and add all of the buttons to the isy/plm. Only button A was added. I tried starting the process at both ends, i.e. initiating linking at the isy/plm and at the kpl with no result.


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Delete the device and try adding it with the A button linking.


Initiate the ISY Start Linking and then press and hold the A button until the ISY reports a new link. The ISY should recognize the 6 or 8 button mode of the KPL. Don't use the Set button, that is for LampLincs and other devices without a local switch.


What version is your KPL? The new 1.6 KPLs have some issues with the ISY.


The ContrLincs and RemoteLincs are different than the KPLs.



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Hello all:


Sorry about my ingnorance on this, but why not just use the "Add Insteon Device" function from the Admin? All you need is the device address. This is how I have added all of my Insteon devices. The address is right on the front plate of the Insteon switches, so all you have to do is to remove the wall plate.


If in doing so, the ISY cannot correctly identify the KPL (due to the aforementioned firmware issue), then why would one think that the "manual" method would work any better??


Best wishes,

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Hey Frank -


I normally add devices by address. However, with my v1.5 KPLs, it does not work - the ISY gives a 'Request Failed' error. Adding the KPL by the 'Start Linking' command works fine.


The v1.6 KPLs, however, don't seem to work at all. At least some of them.

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Hey Frank -


I normally add devices by address. However, with my v1.5 KPLs, it does not work - the ISY gives a 'Request Failed' error. Adding the KPL by the 'Start Linking' command works fine.


The v1.6 KPLs, however, don't seem to work at all. At least some of them.


Got it! Thanks, Mike.


Fortunately, I have not yet had to suffer through any 1.5 or 1.6 KPLs.


I can't say that I've looked around much, but is this information (regarding 1.5 and 1.6 linking) already in the Wiki?

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Hello everyone,

I tried deleting and relinking the kpl using the button A method. On the admin console it shows as a 0A.E8.E1 - Icon LampLinc BI-PHY v.2C and on the faceplate it has Rev 1.65 2486D 0727. I am able to tap link on the kpl to control other devices, but this does not get the other buttons into the isy.



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