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Chirping Sirens (or other siren stuff)


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Thanks for that information. Someday I may replace my old security system. It works so well I have resisted the idea of a change out. If it ain't broke don't fix it but with all the new capability of the ELK Module there is lots more temptation.

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So this is working perfect.


Chirp Sirens Twice

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set Elk Output 'Output 065' On for 1 Seconds

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Chirp Siren
WHENEVER  Output 65 STATE IS TURNED ON             


I did not need an ISY program for this, I could have just written directly into any program to turn the output on for 1 second, however, since you can not name output 65 and higher I chose to write a program just so that it would have a name. I chose not to use lower than 65 on the off chance that I actaully buy one more output board and actually have 64 real outputs.


This also works in reverse for having Elk tasks execute ISY programs. Just set Elk to turn on an output for 1 second and have ISY run the program whenever the output turns on.


I think this little trick allows for the last few things that aren't fully integrated on their own to be functionally fully integrated.

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