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2487S 6 Button Dual Band LED Dimming


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I currently run ISY Firmware 2.8.16


I manually installed the 2487S (6 Button Dual Band) as a 2486S/WH6. (The 2487S not part of my current firmware)


I cannot currently control the LED dimming on this device. Does anyone know if this feature works for the 2487S in the most recent Beta?


Note: My 2486DWH8 (8 Button) does allow led dimming (with current stable release) so I know the feature at least works on some models.


Can anyone help me with an answer?



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When you installed it by specifying a Device Type the device firmware level is v.00. Don't think the ISY will attempt to change backlight level with a v.00 firmware level. Also might not be available on the Device Type selected. When going to a v3 Beta the device will have to be deleted and added back using Auto Discovery. Until then the backlighting can be adjusted at the KPL itself.

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Installed a 2486S/WH6 with firmware v.33 on 3.1.13. The backlight level does not change when set programmatically. Looks like the relay version does not have backlight control yet. This is NOT one of the new Dual Band devices.


You can run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level: Device communications events selected and see if the correct command is being issued when the firmware is v.00.

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Installed a 2486S/WH6 with firmware v.33 on 3.1.13. The backlight level does not change when set programmatically. Looks like the relay version does not have backlight control yet. This is NOT one of the new Dual Band devices.


You can run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level: Device communications events selected and see if the correct command is being issued when the firmware is v.00.


I wanted to leave some feed back with respect to the 2487S dual band KPL relay. The ISY LED brightness does indeed work on this device.


The odd thing to note when using the ISY interface is the following.


1. Making any changes via the ISY will immediately make the KPL LEDS dim to a unknown value. The only way to restore the initial 100% brightness is to do so locally using the A&D buttons on the keyboard for a 6 button configuration.


2. Selecting values above 15 for the *On Level* will NOT be accepted.


3. Selecting values above 7 for the *Off Level* will NOT be accepted.


4. To have the full 32 levels indicated by the manufacture. This must be done locally at the KPL switch.


5. In all cases using the ISY interface to change the LED brightness is darker than using the local controls.


Teken . . .

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2. Selecting values above 15 for the *On Level* will NOT be accepted.


3. Selecting values above 7 for the *Off Level* will NOT be accepted.


There are certain combinations the hardware will not react to. The backlight brightness level is stored in 1 byte, 4 bits represent the Off level, 4 bits represent the On level. Thus the limit of 15 as that is the max 4 bits can hold. Also the hardware must maintain a minimum differential between Off and On levels to insure On/Off are visually apparent thus the Off level cannot be set higher than 7 when On is set to 15. UDI has indicated a willingness to add additional validation of the Off/On specifications if someone is willing to test and document the various valid combinations for the hardware.

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2. Selecting values above 15 for the *On Level* will NOT be accepted.


3. Selecting values above 7 for the *Off Level* will NOT be accepted.


There are certain combinations the hardware will not react to. The backlight brightness level is stored in 1 byte, 4 bits represent the Off level, 4 bits represent the On level. Thus the limit of 15 as that is the max 4 bits can hold. Also the hardware must maintain a minimum differential between Off and On levels to insure On/Off are visually apparent thus the Off level cannot be set higher than 7 when On is set to 15. UDI has indicated a willingness to add additional validation of the Off/On specifications if someone is willing to test and document the various valid combinations for the hardware.




As always, your insight & feed-back is most valuable and appreciated! So, to clarify if one was to change the *Off Level* to a lower value say 5, would the user be able to increase the *On Level* past 15? :?:


I ask because this limitation you speak of only appears to be with in the ISY. :?:


As using the KPL locally allows the user (generalizing here for a moment) several more steps in the value change.




Teken . . .

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if one was to change the *Off Level* to a lower value say 5, would the user be able to increase the *On Level* past 15?


The On level cannot be set higher than 15. The command to set the LED On Level only has 4 bits to hold the value. The maximum number that can be stored in 4 bits is 15. Don't know how the hardware will react to a 5/15 combination. A combination of Off level 12 and On level to 15 cannot be processed by the hardware as that does not allow the minimum differential between Off and On. The hardware will keep a minimum separation between the two values to insure there is always a good visual difference between Off and On. Have not tested what the max differential can be nor do I know which value (Off or On) is the dominant one. That is, does the Off level get adjusted down or does the On level get adjusted up (within the limits of hardware LED circuitry) if the minimum separation does not exist in the numbers posted to the device programmatically, ie 7/7 for Off/On.


Lots a questions and no good answers at this point. Requires some detail testing. Too many more important questions at this point.

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Starting with 0/0 for the LED Brightness value, I incremented the On level by 1 until reaching 15. The LED brightness increased a little for each +1 increment. Leaving On level at 15 I then incremented the Off level by 1 until reaching 7. The LED brightness increased a little for each +1 increment of the Off level as well.


That accounts for 24 of the variations. Not sure how to get to 32 at this point.



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Starting with 0/0 for the LED Brightness value, I incremented the On level by 1 until reaching 15. The LED brightness increased a little for each +1 increment. Leaving On level at 15 I then incremented the Off level by 1 until reaching 7. The LED brightness increased a little for each +1 increment of the Off level as well.


That accounts for 24 of the variations. Not sure how to get to 32 at this point.




Yes, this was my experience as well. I find it odd that doing the same LED brightness changes locally does in fact provide more levels / steps?


This is why I questioned the difference(s) doing this same task locally, vs making the changes via the ISY.


As I noted in the first reply. Using the ISY to make the changes right off the hop immediately dims the KPL to some unknown value. I believe the ISY is restricting the other increments unknowingly.


Thought this information was worth mentioning to the general UDI membership.


Teken . . .

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Hi Teken,


Thanks so very much for the information.


Hi LeeG,


You are 100% correct and thanks as always for the diligence in testing. As you suggested, if anyone is willing to do some major testing to figure out the exact values/combinations, we are more than willing to implement a different representation.


With kind regards,


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