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EZSnsRF to ISY26, no go.


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I can't get the ISY26 to find my EZSnsRF. I type in the address directly, and it gets up to 40% on the progress bar before erroring out. The ISY26 doesn't have trouble with other devices at the same location.


I want to hook a motion detector into my ISY26 to run programs when it sees motion. I have a Dakota motion sensor, and the EZSnsRF gets triggered by it. I have the EZSnsRF turn on a lamp module when the Dakota sensor sees motion, and that is working fine.


I tried to work around the problem of the ISY26 not being able to connect to the EZSnsRF by having it monitor the lamp module instead. When the EZSnsRF turns on the lamp module, it should be able to run my program. But, for some reason, it doesn't. The ISY26 doesn't seem to sense the state change of the lamp module. If I query the lamp module's state, then the program runs, but it only runs if I test the state manually.


Thanks for any help!




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Hello Amnon,


I am so very sorry! Unfortunately, we do not yet support EZSnSRF. We might add support for it in the near future and depending on the number of requests (so far, it's been very low).


With kind regards,



I can't get the ISY26 to find my EZSnsRF. I type in the address directly, and it gets up to 40% on the progress bar before erroring out. The ISY26 doesn't have trouble with other devices at the same location.


I want to hook a motion detector into my ISY26 to run programs when it sees motion. I have a Dakota motion sensor, and the EZSnsRF gets triggered by it. I have the EZSnsRF turn on a lamp module when the Dakota sensor sees motion, and that is working fine.


I tried to work around the problem of the ISY26 not being able to connect to the EZSnsRF by having it monitor the lamp module instead. When the EZSnsRF turns on the lamp module, it should be able to run my program. But, for some reason, it doesn't. The ISY26 doesn't seem to sense the state change of the lamp module. If I query the lamp module's state, then the program runs, but it only runs if I test the state manually.


Thanks for any help!




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That is bad news. Even crude support for that device would be useful.


I hacked a Rube Goldberg-style work-around, but it would be really nice to have firmware support for the EZSnsRF.


I took an EZIO and I jumped the outputs to the inputs. I set the EZSnsRF to trigger the EZIO's output relay, and that in turn triggers the input signal. The ISY can see EZIO's inputs, so the EZIO acts as a bridge to the EZSnsRF.


Downsides are that it is slower, less reliable, more expensive, and can only do two RF devices at a time (I think, I have only used one so far). Upside is, it works!


I am surprised that more people are not using the EZSnsRF. It seems like a natural for the ISY. I would like to set it up so I can do different things if the house is occupied or not. I think other people have discussed having variables before. Is there any sensible way to save state? I would like to check for motion and switches being flipped. If there is some activity, then I want to set the state of the house to occupied. Then I want to write other programs that check the occupied state and do things like, if it is twilight and the house is occupied, run the garden lights. Or, if the laundry machine is leaking and the house is empty use the emergency dialer. etc.

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We are working on adding support for IRLinc which, in theory, is very similar to EZSnSRF. If all goes well (not guaranteed), we will have a workaround for EZSnSRF as well very soon.


Variables are on our list of to dos but at a very low priority.


I do not know why we do not have so many requests for EZSnSRF support. is possible that our users have found innovative ways of doing the same with much less expensive X10 motion detectors (there are many posts on this topic).


Please stay tuned and checkout our subscribe to this post:http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=769 .


With kind regards,



That is bad news. Even crude support for that device would be useful.


I hacked a Rube Goldberg-style work-around, but it would be really nice to have firmware support for the EZSnsRF.


I took an EZIO and I jumped the outputs to the inputs. I set the EZSnsRF to trigger the EZIO's output relay, and that in turn triggers the input signal. The ISY can see EZIO's inputs, so the EZIO acts as a bridge to the EZSnsRF.


Downsides are that it is slower, less reliable, more expensive, and can only do two RF devices at a time (I think, I have only used one so far). Upside is, it works!


I am surprised that more people are not using the EZSnsRF. It seems like a natural for the ISY. I would like to set it up so I can do different things if the house is occupied or not. I think other people have discussed having variables before. Is there any sensible way to save state? I would like to check for motion and switches being flipped. If there is some activity, then I want to set the state of the house to occupied. Then I want to write other programs that check the occupied state and do things like, if it is twilight and the house is occupied, run the garden lights. Or, if the laundry machine is leaking and the house is empty use the emergency dialer. etc.

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A device could be used as a variable, but this seems sort of absurd. If the house is occupied, I turn on the LampLink or whatever. Then, in my conditionals, I check the state of the LampLink and I use that as my "House Occupied" boolean variable.

The firmware could be hacked to do the same thing, but with non-existant switches. As it is, I think I would need a real physical device to be my variable.

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I am not sure I understand the difference between what you are suggesting and what we already provide. How else does a physical person indicate to a physical device that he/she is not at home except using a physical device?


With kind regards,



A device could be used as a variable, but this seems sort of absurd. If the house is occupied, I turn on the LampLink or whatever. Then, in my conditionals, I check the state of the LampLink and I use that as my "House Occupied" boolean variable.

The firmware could be hacked to do the same thing, but with non-existant switches. As it is, I think I would need a real physical device to be my variable.

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