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Venstar new internal Thermostat 2491T7E


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I recently purchased a new Venstar thermostat with the internal insteon module. I cannot seem to keep the ISY-99i updated with the current temperture. I have this in the ISY as a 2441V Insteon Thermostat Adapter v.00 since there is no option for a 2491 in the drop down list in the ISY (running v2.8.16 on the ISY). Also notice that the Fan State always shows "ON" even when the fan is off and thermostat is in "FAN Auto" if I toggle the Fan to auto then back to "ON" the fan comes on but when I log back into the ISY console later in the day I find the fan shown in the "on" state in the console again even though the fan is still off. Also, I get a Humidty reading that varies from time to time even though there is no humidty module (don't think the 2491 can take that option since the internal insteon takes up space where it would plug into the board).


If I query the t-stat in the console it updates to the current tempature value but the fan state does not change unless it is manually toggled in the console. I thought the Thermostat would always report to the ISY the current temp without having to query from the console. The T-Stat is only a few feet from an access point. Did I do something wrong when I linked it? or does the t-stat not report temp changes? Thanks in Advance for any help with this one.

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