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AD2USB -> NSLU2 -> ISY-99


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I am trying to get my Ademco Vista 20 panel successfully communicating with my ISY-99.


Based on research, it seems the best way to do that is to use an AD2USB device, connected to a hacked NSLU2 to create a "Network Device" that can communicate directly with the Ademco Panel.


So far, I have acquired an AD2USB, downloaded the ser2sock.c software, and hacked (uNSULng) the NSLU2.


I am having a great deal of difficulty on how to proceed.


I believe the next step is to cross-compile ser2sock.c on the NSLU2.


Has anyone successfully done this?


All help appreciated!

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I've never used that device but I have been playing around with the NSLU integrated with the isy-99i. (I posted some threads in the Network Resources secton). Which software version did you use to hack your NSLU? I used the basic one - Unslung.


I've had to compile one program on my NSLU. I had to download the development package wich included the compilers. I looked quick, but I couldn't figure out what I loaded. Once you have that, you sould be able to compile that program.


Based on this article:

http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Applications/AlarmSlug It looks like the NSLU should recognize the USB adapter with the built in drivers?


I'll look so more for the compilers, and see if I can figure out what I used.

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Waht I did was load the package called optware-devel. On my Unslung version it's :



ipkg install optware-devel


It's a really large package. 150mb+ I think. Some additional informaiton here: http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/HowTo/N ... ngPackages


That package includes a bunch of stuff. More than is probably necessary. Someplace it installs gcc the c compiler. I think that's what you will need. You should be able to move forward from there.

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I don't think I made any changes. When I was using it, it was to compile a module to be used with the LUA interpreter. ( a language I know very little about ). I used the MAKE and .config that came with it.


Did you reboot the NSLU after making that changes? Maybe some environment variable needs to be set?



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I just logged into my NSLU, using puTTy in WINSCP. I logged in as ROOT. At the command line I type just GCC and I got "no input files". So it's finding GCCc fine.


Does your c program require something else? Is it downloadable someplace? I could try and compile it and see what errors I might get. If it compiles on mine, that it would be some kind of config issue at your end.

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I was able to compile it. I had to move it into /opt/bin to make it execute. Then change the permissions 0755.


I couldn't upload it as it was - it doesn't have an extension.


Rename it to just ser2sock from ser2sock.zip. I copied it using WinSCP from the NSLU. I hope it goes back jsut as easily.


If you can't download it from here, I'll email. Let me know if that works.


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Here is the output I get when I run it:


Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.10-beta





BusyBox v1.3.1 (2007-12-29 03:38:35 UTC) Built-in shell (ash)

Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


# ser2sock

Usage: ser2sock -p -s


-h, -help display this help and exit

-p port socket port to listen on

-s serial device ex /dev/ttyUSB0


-i IP bind to a specific ip address default is ALL

-b baudrate set buad rate default to 9600

-d daemonize

-t send terminal init string

-g debug level 0-3

-c keep incoming connections when a serial device is disconnected

-w milliseconds delay between attempts to open a serial device (5000)


Error missing serial device name exiting


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Interested where you go with this

I just got an ad2usb last week

I have perl code reading the ad2usb output then making rest calls to the iSy to set state variables based on zone changes

I will probably make a page on my Linux box that an iSy network resource can call and drive my panel via the ad2usb

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Hopefully this is usable to you. Not much error checking yet. And...obviously need to store things like hostname, passwords, etc in variables.


I put any faulted zones in an array. As we get "ready" messages from the panel, I move the arrays to old and older. Once I have a now, old, and older...I can look at the values and make sure the event actually happened. I really struggled with this logic.

Once an even happens, I run a rest command to update the state variable in the ISY as well as update a SQL table.

I have planned changes to pick up the LRR output to record who armed/disarmed.



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Switch;

use DBI;


my $database = 'house';

my $server = 'localhost';

my $user = 'insteon';

my $passwd = 'insteon';


our $DB = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$database:$server", $user, $passwd, {PrintError => 0} );

open (SERFH, "/usr/bin/tail -f /dev/ttyUSB0 |") || die "Can't tail device\n";


our @active_alarms = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

our @last_alarms = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

our @oldest_alarms = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

our $previous_arm_status = "Unknown";

my $output;

while ()


switch ($_)


case /\[1/ { armed_status("Unarmed"); }

case /\[.1/ { armed_status("Armed away"); }

case /\[..1/ { armed_status("Armed home"); }

case /\[............1/ { armed_status("Armed instant"); }

case /\[...............1/ { armed_status("Armed stay"); }

case /FAULT/ { $output =$_;

$output =~ s/.*FAULT//;

$output =~ s/\s//;

$output =~ s/^0//;

$output =~ s/"//;

$output =~ s/\s.*//;

chomp ($output);

$active_alarms[$output] = 1;


} #switch

} #while


sub armed_status


my $now = localtime();

my $system_cmd;

my $new_arm_status = shift;

if ($previous_arm_status ne $new_arm_status)



$previous_arm_status = $new_arm_status;


my $j = 0;

foreach (@active_alarms)


if (($oldest_alarms[$j] == 1) and ($last_alarms[$j] == 0) and ($active_alarms[$j] == 0))


print "Delete zone $j $now\n";

$system_cmd = "/home/isy/isy_rest --isy isy99-home-auto --username admin --password 123 /vars/set/2/" . $j . "/0 ";

system ($system_cmd);

sql_update ($j,0);


if (($oldest_alarms[$j] == 0) and ($last_alarms[$j] == 0) and ($active_alarms[$j] == 1))


print "Add zone $j $now\n";

$system_cmd = "/home/isy/isy_rest --isy isy99-home-auto --username admin --password 123 /vars/set/2/" . $j . "/1 ";

#print "$system_cmd\n";

system ($system_cmd);

sql_update ($j,1);


$j ++;


@oldest_alarms = @last_alarms;

@last_alarms = @active_alarms;

@active_alarms = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);



sub sql_update


my $node = shift;

my $status = shift;

my $query = sprintf "UPDATE alarm SET status='%s' WHERE zone='%s'",$status,$node;

print "$query\n";

my $rows_affected = 0;

$rows_affected = $DB->do($query);


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