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controlling and programming a motion detector with sense


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I just installed a 2494msbn motion detector with inlineLinc with sense and a new iSSY99i.

I can turn on the sense and the motion detector will work. I have created scenes linking the device with other outside lights I want to control.

They indeed can turn on with the inLineLinc and motion detector.

However, I also have a 2440 remote and 2430 desktop controller that I want to be able to turn the lights off with all off or just the outside lights.

Do I put the InLineLinc in with these scenes? If I do that, the motion controller doesn't work.

Also, do I just leave the inLineLinc on all night?

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Hi cats,


I am not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps it would be most expedient if you schedule a call with our tech support department (Submit a Ticket link below) and we'll walk you through it.


In the meantime, the following link should provide you with more information about scenes:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... ide#Scenes


With kind regards,


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I want an outdoor motion sensor with lights and an InLineLinc with sense module to turn on other porch lights. I want it to respond to motion to turn on for 5 minutes (all lights). If, during that time, I want to switch the lights back off with a 2440 remote or 2430 desktop controller, I want that to happen with a button.

Then, if the motion detector senses any movement, I want the lights turned back on.

Also, I do not want the inlinedlinc to turn my lights on all night long 3 minutes after the 2494msbn has turned off the lights.

How do I set this up in iSY99I?

Thanks...sorry I've been confusing.

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First, from the posts on Smarthome forum and here I'm not sure the InLineLinc w/sense is wired as it should. The Sense wire on the InLineLinc should be connected to the motion head sense line. The motion head sense wire that turns On when motion is sensed. It may have just been the working on the other forum that made me think it was wired wrong. If this is the way it is wired, good.


The function of the InLineLinc w/sense, to turn On when the motion head detects motion and turn Off when the motion head times out, can be overriden with a Fast On and a Fast Off. A Fast On command will turn the InLineLinc On and it will stay On regardless of the Sense line. A Fast Off command will turn the InLineLinc Off and it will stay Off regardless of the Sense line.

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I had no idea about the Fast on and Fast off buttons....so should I just use On or off buttons to turn of the InLineLinc then?


I'm sorry you are on both forums...I've been reading all I can and cannot make enough sense, but, that comment just did, because I used that button! (Both, actually)


SO, now, I have unlinked it from everything and deleted the inLineLinc. I will re add it.....


Should I make a scene with all the "outside lights" I want to control and add InLineLinc with sense as the controller?

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I think it works!!!!!

I think when it went into Auto mode today, it is working correctly! Thank you for all your help, even in my ditziness.

I think what happened is that I put it in manual mode somehow for last night, and it was stuck there until today.....

Great news on that front.

I'm really loving this stuff!

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I think that's what happened! I had read the manual, but, I was pretty confused by then to understand how to fix it, since I didn't know what I'd done exactly. I should have turned the power off for a minute, I guess.

Anyway, thank you all so much...this is my first foray into this type of stuff....

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