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Checking a Program


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Can't figure this out. I have a basic program to shut off a light at 11:00 pm. Once the light goes off a keypad light also turns off and then a notification is sent out. Everything was working properly to my surprise, but then I went back into the program thinking that I may want to try and change something it now stopped working. I don't want to be afraid to edit/change something but then again I want the programs to work correctly. Is there a set procedure On how to edit and or change programs? Are u supposed to wait until the program won't be running to make any changes? Please advise!

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You can delete the other duplicate post.


Suggest you post the Program and explain what is not working relative to the specific Program. There are no rules per see except maybe common sense which could mean something different for each Program.

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Is there a set procedure On how to edit and or change programs?

It has been my experience that the http://procedureof editing, or the fact that a program was edited, is not a cause of program failure. In other words, I do not believe that it is possible to create an otherwise-functioning program that fails because the wrong editing "procedure" was used. Rather, the failure of a program to behave as one expects is generally the result of the way program conditions and commands work being different that what one believes they do, or should, work.


I second LeeGs suggestion to post your program and, perhaps, the fine folks around here could help identify the problem.

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Time is 11:00:00PM

And Status 'Alana's Bedroom' is not Off



Set 'Alana's Bedroom' Off

Set Scene 'Alana's Room Keypad D' Off

Send Notification to 'Ivory Dixon'



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



It was working before and now it has recently stopped. Thanks for the help!

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For "Alana's light off" it indicates it's idle. Last run time was 03/23/2012 07:31.55pm and finish time is 03/23/2012 07:31.55pn. Next schedule run 11:00 pm. Status is False and Path is blank. Run at startup there is a dash and it's enabled.

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While I suspect this is not part of the problem, why not remove the second condition? It seems unecessary, but could be triggering a second evaluation when the then path runs. It also makes the proper execution contingent upon accurate communication of device status. Otherwise the program appears fine to me. Regardless, it is my impressions that programs dont simply stop working. Something else has changed.


In what way is you program not working? Is the light not going off? Failure to notify? Keypad button.? All?

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The Program is being triggered when 'Alana's Bedroom' is changing state (Status changing). It is running the Else clause because it is not 11 PM when the light changes state. The next important time is 11 PM. Will need to know what the ISY is showing for the Current State of 'Alana's Bedroom' light going into 11 PM. If you want to test what is going on in the Then clause insure the light is On when 11 PM occurs. Look at the Last Run Time and Status columns a few seconds after 11 PM when the light is On. Does it show Last Run Time at 11 PM and the Status True which indicates the Then clause ran.

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It worked last night, I went back into "IF","THEN" and "ELSE" and saved it. The reason that I had the second line was that the keypad "D" would still be illuminated even though the light was off. Is there an available training course for the ISY.

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Take a look at the UDI Wiki. It has good information on each of the Program statements. I don't know of anything like an "ISY for Dummies" book. They have published "xxxx for Dummies" books on just about any subject. Perhaps there is one in print.

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The reason that I had the second line was that the keypad "D" would still be illuminated even though the light was off.


I was questioning the second "condition": Status 'alanas bedroom' is not off. I don't see the value in this condition.

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I was questioning the second "condition": Status 'alanas bedroom' is not off. I don't see the value in this condition.
Unless Igdixon only wants a message sent to Ivory Dixon if light was on at 11PM. That said, is it possible that as soon as line one executes, the status of this program changes to false and goes to the 'Else' condition. If that is the case, moving the 1st line down to the third should fix that.
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"is it possible that as soon as line one executes, the status of this program changes to false and goes to the 'Else' condition."


No, that is not possible. If the Program had a Wait or Repeat then the answer would be Yes. Without a Wait or Repeat all the statements in a clause execute even if the statements in the clause change the Status.


For those that might not have been following once the Program was Saved it worked.

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