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Lost Remote Connection to ISY


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I've been vacationing away from my home for about 5 weeks this winter/spring. But yesterday afternoon sometime, I lost 'contact' with my home automation system. I don't know if it was a power hiccup from high winds, some new software I was trying out (Home & Away), or something else.


At any rate, it appears my ISY computer controller has crashed. I still have a video feed to my house so I know the network/router is up. I just can't access the ISY anymore. Also, when I checked the video feed last night, the house was dark. It looked like none of the lighting routines were working, so it may be something other than a lost IP address, (like total loss of power supply).


In over 6 years I've had this system setup, the only times the ISY went down was during a power failure or hiccup. But it would always come back on it's own, sometimes even restore the IP connection to the router. So this crash may be something new like a PLM failure.


Does anyone have any ideas what could be my problem? Is there anyway to reboot the ISY remotely? If not, I may ask my neighbor to go over and try a reboot. But if that doesn't work, I doubt there is anything else I can do. It'll just have to wait until I get back, which means the house will remain dark for the next two weeks.


While home automation has been a fun hobby, and the system has been fairly stable over time, I'm a bit disappointed that I've had yet another glitch while on vacation. The last glitch I had was last fall,. Then, while I was on vacation, it was a 1st generation t-stat that somehow went wild and 'locked' up my ISY. Since then, I replaced the t-stat and I doubt that is the issue this time. Is my ISY just telling me I should never take a vacation?


I guess one thing I may need to consider is purchasing a UPS (un-interruptable power supply) for my modem, router & ISY.



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I just wanted to provide you with some insight and alternatives.



Thanks for the link. Similar issue and your suggestion for backup is welcomed. I now realize I should've designed a power supply for my system. I plan to address this when I get back home.

Do you remember what's your ISY's firmware version?


Also, do you have access to your router? If so, can you ping ISY?

Thanks for the reply. I have the current official version 3.1.17 (haven't tried beta's while I'm away). Unfortunately, I don't think I set up a forwarding port to access my router remotely. I tried some common suggested setups and only get the 'Ping request could not find host...' message.


One thing noted was the afternoon my ISY went down I was using a new web app Home & Away. I don't know that caused my crash but I did think that while using H&A to control some of the devices, the status was not necessarily updating correctly. I had the Admin Console open at the same time and used it to correct the status of the device (which, BTW happens to be the only v3.5 dimmer switch in my system).


After I confirmed all was off in the console, then H&A, I logged out. When I came back later that evening, my connection to the ISY was lost. It could be interesting to check the log to see what was actually happening when contact was lost.


I'm imposing on my neighbor to try a re-boot on my ISY this evening. Turns out he could be my 'redundant' backup system. If that works, I should have access restored. I'll also know a bit more and should be able to view the log.

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Thanks again Michel for your interest in following up on this issue. My neighbor was successful in rebooting my ISY this evening and now I'm back in business. I'm thinking he is almost as good as a back-up power supply, but now I have to figure out a way to re-pay him for lending the helping hand.


Also, I forwarded the error log to you. Hopefully,, that will provide a clue as what may have locked things up this time.


Jim Sanders

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