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Insteon 2941txe Venstar thermostat v.95


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I'm having a lot of issues getting this thermostat to work. I can link it and read it without any issue, but cannot write to it (change from off to heat / cool ++). I have the latest beta software (3.2.4) on my isy99i/pro and the thermostat is v.95. I know that the thermostat works, because I can link it to my remotelinc and it works just fine. HELP, please :)

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Hi jahn,


We have had very many issues with firmware version 95 ... is this the version ISY reports for your thermostat? If so, please do have it replaced. The main problem is that this firmware reports the thermostat as an i1 device but acts as an i2cs device.


With kind regards,


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It seems to work now after I did a "Query Insteon Engine". It seems to have updated it to a i2cs node. Also, when I add the device, could I not force to i2cs under advanced options? Right now it does work, I will test it more and see if it continues to work.

I already got a replacement from smarthome and the replacement is also v95 :(



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Hi Jahn,


Thanks so very much for the information. Please do keep us posted. In the meantime, we are going to look further to see why the initial engine version does not return the correct engine. We have already sent an email to SmartHome with all the debugging information.


With kind regards,


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thanks a lot. Let me know as well if smarthome "fixes" this issue and if I should go to a v96. Not sure how soon smarthome are updating their firmware.

Also, is there any document that explains all of the codes sent/received to/from the Insteon devices so that I can understand better what's going on? Any SDK available?

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SmartLabs does not make the Insteon device information available to the public. A Developer subscription can be purchased from SmartLabs ($199 oops price must have gone up to $249) that provides access to confidential device information after signing an NDA. I find the cost not so much an issue as the fact that an NDA is required so what you gain cannot be shared with the public. Also there have been a few comments to the effect that the doc is not always current.

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There use to be a $199 option that got you access to the development areas and information but didn't include the hardware.


You still have to pay a fee for talking to an Insteon Engineer if the on line stuff isn't enough.

Information is not alway current either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the exact same issue with a pair of thermostats I am trying to install. They are both firmware version 95 and my ISY is at 3.2.4. I tried the "Query Insteon Engine" trick and now I can control the thermostat from the ISY directly (set temperatures and operating modes, which I could not do at first) but the logs still show the thermostat as an I1 device and the thermostat does not respond to any scenes it has been added to.


Has anyone come up with any other workarounds? Has anyone actually been able to return their version 95 thermostat to Smarthome and get a version that works?

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I have removed and added more times than I can count, but I'm not sure how many times on 3.1.17 and how many times on 3.2.4 so I will try again tonight. I definitely removed from 3.1.17 and added it after upgrading to 3.2.4. I definitely made sure it was in "off" mode when I added it.


What do I tell Smarthome when I request a replacement? The thermostat links just fine to a ControlLinc (I can set up multiple scenes on multiple buttons, and I did remove these manually configured scenes after the test), so Smarthome has a reasonable argument that the device is fine. Have they actually acknowledged that this is a bug and issued a new firmware release past version 95? If not, won't they just send me two more version 95 thermostats and I'm right where I am now?

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Hello mikewu99,


We have had numerous cases where the replacement thermostat worked (even though it was still v95). And, yes, we did let SmartHome know about this issue.


So, please try one more time using 3.2.4:

1. Remove from ISY

2. Make sure it's off

3. Add it back


Please do keep us posted.


With kind regards,


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OK, I seem to have gotten the first thermostat working:


(1) Removed from ISY

(2) Factory reset

(3) Added to ISY while off

(4) Run "Query Insteon Engine"


I could then control the thermostat and add it to scenes.




(A) I added the thermostat manually (Link Management => New Insteon Device). The first time I added it I used the pulldown to select 2491T as the device type and only the Thermostat Main responder device was added (no Cool/Heat/Fan controller devices) and the Main device could not be controlled by the ISY nor function when added to a scene. Removed and reinstalled using "Auto Discover" and got the successful results I described.


(B) There is some communication instability when making changes to a scene that the thermostat was added to. I added ControlLinc buttons as controllers to two of the thermostat scenes. I got communication errors from the thermostat both times. The thermostat link table was severely out of sync with the ISY. Did a restore device on the thermostat and that fixed everything (promptly and with no communication errors) - link table compare is successful.


© After I added each ControlLinc button to the respective scene I went back and tried to use "Copy scene attributes from " to set the thermostat set points for each button. The heat setpoint from the scene was copied into the cool setpoint for the button and vice-versa. The mode was copied as "off" instead of "auto". I had to manually set the ColtrolLinc button settings.

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Hello mikewu99,


Thanks so very much for the update.


B) I do think there are some unresolved communication issues. Is your thermostat close to a dual band device and/or an access point?


C) Was the UI also wrong or just the thermostat settings?


With kind regards,


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(B) Throughout the process of working through this issue I have added and removed the thermostat from the ISY, added and removed the thermostat to scenes, and added and removed a ControlLinc to the thermostat scenes. I have performed these actions many times, mostly under 3.1.17 but also several times under 3.2.4. Sometimes the access point was in its normal position about 20 feet from the thermostat, sometimes it was moved to 5 feet away. As far as I can remember, the only times the ISY explicitly reported a communication error was when I added the ControlLinc to one of the scenes; I'm also pretty sure the error occurred every time I added the ControlLinc.


I also tried two different thermostat units in the same location (easy to swap the main thermostat body leaving the frame wired up). I plan to install the second thermostat in a different location later today, I will report back on the results.


© The UI was wrong and the wrong values were written to the thermostat. I found the problem because the thermostat settings were strange when the scene was activated from the ControlLinc (the thermostat does not like it's heat set point to be lower than its cool set point).

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Second thermostat installed smoothly:


(1) Powered thermostat on, factory reset, system off

(2) Added to ISY manually with auto-detect

(3) Added to the existing scenes in batch mode

(4) Confirmed that the device links matched the ISY links


Not that I did not try to add Controlinc buttons to the scenes, they were there already. One voice inside my head says to experiment with removing and adding buttons in various manners, the other voice says to leave well enough alone. I will probably be adding a KPL as a controller soon, I may wait until then to experiment.

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Hello mikewu99,


Thanks so very much for the update. I would leave it alone for now till such time that you need to add the KPL as controller. My only concern is why there are so many problems with adding a CL.


Please do keep us posted.


With kind regards,


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