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Upgrading ISY-99i to ISY-994i


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I just received my new ISY-994i/IR Pro to replace my ISY-99 Pro. I have some questions.


1. Can I do a backup of the 99i and restore it to the 994i to move my system from one to the other?


2. How do I activate/move my Network module to the new device?


3. I would like to give the 99i to my son. How do I restore defaults to the 99i before I pass it on?


4. Where/how do I obtain the Zigbee module to install in the new 994i? The purpose being to enable energy monitoring via Brultech or other compatible technology.


5. What is 'UDI’s EM3'?


Thanks in advance for any help,


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I have been thinking of getting the 994 also and the exact same questions have come to mind. I want to use the Zigbee module to monitor my Smart Meter using SEP.


One more question to add:


How would one go about swapping out the old PLM to the new PLM.

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1. Can I do a backup of the 99i and restore it to the 994i to move my system from one to the other?

2. How do I activate/move my Network module to the new device?

3. I would like to give the 99i to my son. How do I restore defaults to the 99i before I pass it on?

4. Where/how do I obtain the Zigbee module to install in the new 994i? The purpose being to enable energy monitoring via Brultech or other compatible technology.

5. What is 'UDI’s EM3'?

1 - Yes

2 - Send an email request to UDI with the old and new device UIDs

3 - Wiki factory reset. It involves holding in the little pinhole button on the device

4 - Contact UDI

5 - UDI Energy Monitor currently under development

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#1 yes that is how I did mine. Restore ISY using the last backup. I had to then point the nightly Query Program to My Lighting.

#2 I also sent the uuid for both my ISY99i and new ISY994i to UDI and they transfered my modules to the new uuid.


The ISY994iZ-IR-Pro is avilable from Smarthome.

http://www.smarthome.com/12235/ISY994iZ ... ler/p.aspx


I have not seen an add on hardware module on the UDI site to add it separately yet.

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Thanks to all for the information. I will put the information to use once I get the new 994i up and running.


So far, I'm having a little difficulty getting access to the 994i. When it powers up the power light comes on and then the send & receive lights come on and then the memory light flashed momentarily. The power, send, and receive lights stay on steady. On my original 99i, only the power light stays on.


When I go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i, I get two error messages:

1. Socket Open Failed java.net.Connect Exception: Connect refused: no further information


2. XML Parse Error http://192.168.x.xxx:51675/0/d.xml


Then I get a blank command console.


Any suggestions?


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Hello Dennis,


Sincere apologies. Do you see the error light blinking at all?


Also, would you please take the little rubber cap on the front of the unit and make sure the "micro" SD card is seated securely?


If you are still having problems, please do not hesitate to contact our support (links below) as it's much quicker than going through the forum.


With kind regards,


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