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Cannot Control 2491T7E with ISY 994i Pro


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I am very new to this. I purchased the ISY994i/IR PRO with Dual Band PLM and the Venstar 2491T7E thermostart. I added the thermostat to the Admisnistrator Console. None of the settings in AC match the settings on the thermostat. For example, AC indicates that the cool set point is 80 degrees whn it is actuall 78 on the thermostat. I also cannot seek to turn the stat on and off from AC. Firmware and UI version is 3.2.6. See attached.


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@ LeeG... Thanks for the reply. I have since tried deleting and re-adding it several times. No change. there are no comm errors when writing or reading from the device. I am just not getting back what the actual settings and status are in the thermostat. The wiki also states that 4 nodes should be added, and that is what I am seeing.

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Hello rsstansbury,


Would you please let me know what's your ISY's firmware version? If not 3.2.6 (official), please upgrade and then remove and register the thermostat again.


If 3.2.6, I can only suspect a defective thermostat. You might want to try Right Mouse Click on the Thermostat | Diagnostics | Query Insteon Engine.


With kind regards,


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Hey rsstansbury,


Can you clarify when you say the device shows one thing and the ISY shows another. In your screenshot you have selected the scene properties. In this case those setpoints will only be made active on the thermostat when the scene is turned on and is not the actual state of the thermostat. To see and adjust the actual state you want to select the Thermostat listed under the ISY group.


Additionally unless you have controllers you are adding to that scene it might be easier to remove that scene completely as it doesn't appear to serve any use.

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@ NuttyComputer.. You are correct. A scene seems pointless. Just trying to make something happen. The thermostat manual was a little vague. It sounded as though the node might need to be added to a scene in order to control the device remotely.


@ Michael... ISY firmware is 3.2.6 as stated in the beginning post. Things have gotten worse. I was going to remove the node and add them again after doing a factory reset on the stat. However, the modal dialog box with the finish button would not pop up after clicking "Start Linking". This worked fine all day yesterday. Now it is not. I read on this forum that it is usually related to a FW/AV issue. Turned all of that off, and the dialog box still would not appear. So I figured I would try doing a factory reset on the PLM. I unplugged it and plugged it back in with the set button pressed. Now the LED wont come on at all, and no windows pop up when I click Tools>Diagnostics>PLM Info Status.


I am extremely frustrated at this point. Nothing seems to work as the stated in documentation. I've spent most of a weekend trying different things. I am pretty tech savy with this kind of stuff being a software developer.

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Hello rsstansbury,


I am so very sorry to hear about all these problems you are having. Indeed it must be quite frustrating.


As far as the thermostat, I truly believe the probelm is the thermostat itself because the symptoms are as if the thermostat is reporting as a regular device but expects i2cs commands.


But, now, we have much bigger problems to fix:

1. Do you actually get the login prompt and you can actually login without any errors?

2. If the above is correct, would you be kind enough to try httpS://your.isy.ip.address/admin instead?


If httpS works, then the problem is firewall and especially Windows Firewall. If not, please do let me know so that we can schedule a remote session and figure out what's going on.


With kind regards,


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Hello Michel,

I really appreciate your help. Yes I do get the login prompt, and yess I can login with no problems. I can also login with the internet url.


Still no lock with getting a light on the PLM though. Did you want me to try start linking from internet url?

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update on the PLM LED. I walked over and looked at the PLM again after my last post. The LED is now on. It was plugged in the outlet with no cable connected to Port A. All the factory ressting had no effect, but leaving it plugged in the wall with no cable seemed to work.

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@ NuttyComputer.. You are correct. A scene seems pointless. Just trying to make something happen. The thermostat manual was a little vague. It sounded as though the node might need to be added to a scene in order to control the device remotely.


No worries it can be a little daunting to start trying to understand these things. For reference a Scene is for linking two devices and you'll almost never have a device alone unless you want to adjust things like ramp rate in a program. Sounds like you've got some bigger issues to worry about right now that hopefully Michel can hook you up with resolving. I think your original problem stemmed from the antivirus not playing well with the UI. For reference though if you want to control a single device directly select it alone in the left pane tree (not a scene unless you want to control the whole scene or adjust scene options) and then you can adjust the settings in the right pane.


When you make an adjustment you should see refreshing arrows appear near the setting you are adjusting followed by the change having been made. You may also find it easier to adjust the device from the web gui (instead of the admin console) or a 3rd party application.

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@ Nutty... Thank you !!!


@ Michel... I submitted a ticket.


I was able to link the stat again once the green LED finally lit on the PLM.


I seem to be getting some different results with the Admin Console depending on whether I access it through with the local IP address or the Internet IP. See attachments.


Using the internet IP, the Cool setpoint drop down combo box appears when I change the mode from off to Cool. However the current state of 0 degrees is obviously wrong. I also get the "Linking In Progress" modal dialog box to pop up when I use the Internet IP. In neither case can I actual control the stat.


I am running Windows 7 with Norton AV and Windows FW. I have both turned off. I also have my firewall turned off on my router.


Thank you for helping me with this. I currently have my house automated with an industrial PLC and GUI that I developed back in 1999. Home Automation technology didn't seem to provide what I needed back then. That appears to have changed, and it is time for me to phase out that older technology. Basically, my wife would not even be able to turn on the AC if that system hiccuped after I got hit by a bus.



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@ NuttyComputer.. You may also find it easier to adjust the device from the web gui (instead of the admin console) or a 3rd party application.




I am planning to use the Mobilinc iPhone app, but I dont want to purchase it until I see this stuff work like it is supposed to. I'd like to hear your comments on Mobilinc or comparable products if you have one.



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@ NuttyComputer.. You may also find it easier to adjust the device from the web gui (instead of the admin console) or a 3rd party application.




I am planning to use the Mobilinc iPhone app, but I dont want to purchase it until I see this stuff work like it is supposed to. I'd like to hear your comments on Mobilinc or comparable products if you have one.





Looking at those screenshots it looks like you may have a ui and firmware mismatch. You can confirm this by going to Help > About. Firmware and UI should both show 3.2.6. If it doesn't you need to flush your cache. Might be a good idea anyway. See instructions here: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


If it was a UI, Firmware mismatch you are going to want to re-add the device yet again.


I'm not aware with any problems with Norton though never a bad idea to turn it off when configuring.


Regarding Mobilinc: It's important to realize that in my opinion right now there seems to be a gap in the technology. Insteon seems to be designed with the intention of local physical control. Scenes and Switches so to speak. The ISY and Mobilinc bring that control into the virtual world. It's primarily a good thing in my opinion and I absolutely love my Mobilinc/ISY (a lot of that love is due to the constant support I receive from universal). However the technology lags a little bit due to responder only devices. These devices will give you a headache when trying to control them via Mobilinc and Local switches (like a KPL) Thankfully the ISY's incredible programming allows me to program my way around some of these headaches, combined with the Mobilinc's ability to add a {HIDE} tag my end user (read wife) generally doesn't know that when she turns on the fan it triggers backed programs to keep switches in sync. :P


Just for the record I also had similar problems thanks to Avast. Was about to return the device I got so frustrated constantly resetting it to defaults when I found the cursed avast problem. I reset the firmware one more time, hopped on a machine without any anti-virus and updated, etc. Since then it has only needed to be restarted once when I changed my network topology.

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Thank you for the reply... I've been keeping a close eye on the firmware and UI revisions reported in the About dialog box. If I access ISY using local IP address, firmware revision is 3.2.6 and UI revision is 3.1.17. I've cleared the cash many times using the link on the ISY web page, and UI revision will then show 3.2.6. Then UI revision is back to 3.1.17 the next time I launch it using local IP or the admin console shortcut on my desktop. If I access ISY using Internet IP, then both firmware and UI revision is 3.2.6. I have only linked to my thermostat when accessing ISY with intenet IP because that's the only way I get the modal dial box to pop up when I click "Start Linking".


I cleared the cache this morning using the method that you provided in the link. After that, both firmware and UI revisions were at 3.2.6 when I launched the admin console using local IP. It did not fix the "Start Linking" modal dialog box problem though. I closed admin console down and accessed ISY using Internet IP. I verified firmware and UI revisions were at 3.2.6. I removed stat from ISY and linked again. No change. Still cant control stat from ISY. If I set mode to cool and cool temp to 78, it appears to write to device. However mode is back to off when I query the device. In fact, mode always shows to be off regardless of actual state of stat.


It makes no sense to me why I can see the modal dialog box if I access ISY using Internet IP but not if I use local IP. It would seem that the dialog box would be blocked in either case if the problem was due to it being blocked by something on the same computer. When I access using Internet IP, I get a Security Certificate page that pops up. See screen shot. I click the option "Continue to this Website (not recommended)". Maybe this has something to do with why it works one way and not another.


This is a faily new laptop that I am using. As far as I can tell, the only thing I have on it is Windows Firewall and Norton AV. I've had both of those disabled since Saturday. I did not install AVAST, and there is no evidence of it in Programs. So if it is there, I am not aware of it.


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Hmm.. Very odd. The UI problem was resolved with flushing the java cache so that is good. The security warning is not something to worry about. That pops up because when accessing via internet you are accessing it via HTTPS which uses Public Key Encryption. The warning is letting you know the certificate being used for encryption is Self-Signed and doesn't exactly match the URL on the certificate. When accessing a website you are expecting to be your bank or other trusted source which should have proper 3rd party signed certificates and that pops up then that is the time to worry.


Do you have another system you can test with? My networking skills are still telling me some sort of URL filtering is causing it to work one way but not the other. Additionally if you make changes locally on the thermostat do those changes reflect when you query on the ISY? Are you familiar with the Diagnostics?


Can you post an output of Tools > Diagnostics > Event Viewer

Set to Level 3 and try to change state on tstat.


I'm not as exercised in reading those outputs but I'm sure LeeG would be happy to jump back in here when you have that ;)

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You may need to delete the desktop Icon for the ISY and create it again using the 3.2.6 URL. I'm pretty sure that is why the UI was going back to 3.1.17 because the Icon was established at 3.1.17. Clear the Java cache and invoke the URL that establishes a new Icon for 3.2.6.

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I am not at home right now (at work). I accessed ISY using Internet IP and ran Admin Console. Here is the event log that you requested. Mode was showing "off". I changed it to "Cool", Cool set point then came back as 0 degrees. I change it to 78. I doubt that the stat actually changed at my house. If it did, it would be the first time. There is no one there to confirm though.


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:01 AM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 14 94 25 0F 6B 05


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:01 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.94.25 0F 6B 05 06 (05)


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.94.25 1B.FC.78 AB 6B FD (FD)


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [standard-Direct Nack][14.94.25-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [ 14 94 25 1] CLIMD 2


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 14 94 25 0F 6A 20


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.94.25 0F 6A 20 06 (20)


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.94.25 1B.FC.78 2B 6A 00 (00)


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [standard-Direct Ack][14.94.25-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:02 AM : [ 14 94 25 1] CLISPC 0


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:12 AM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 14 94 25 0F 6C 9C


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:12 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.94.25 0F 6C 9C 06 (9C)


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:12 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.94.25 1B.FC.78 AB 6C FD (FD)


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:12 AM : [standard-Direct Nack][14.94.25-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 06/04/2012 11:14:12 AM : [ 14 94 25 1] CLISPC 156

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The reason for asking for the Query Insteon Engine trace is some of the responses from the tstat give the appearance of this being an I2CS device. Looking at other older traces on the forum the cmd2 response does not track to what this tstat is returning. It may be this is an I2CS device which could require different commands for accomplishing the tstat functions.

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Can you run the same Level 3 event viewer trace, right click the Main tstat node, select Diagnostics | Query Insteon Engine and post the trace. It will only be a few lines. Thanks



Mon 06/04/2012 12:36:57 PM : [All ] Writing 1 bytes to devices


Mon 06/04/2012 12:36:57 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 14 94 25 0F 0D 00


Mon 06/04/2012 12:36:57 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.94.25 0F 0D 00 06 (00)


Mon 06/04/2012 12:36:57 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.94.25 1B.FC.78 2B 0D 02 (02)


Mon 06/04/2012 12:36:57 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][14.94.25-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 06/04/2012 12:36:57 PM : [14 94 25 0 ] Calibrating engine version

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Thanks for that last trace


The 2491T7E tstat is an I2CS device. Very likely needs different commands to operate it correctly. I don't have access to the SmartLabs Developer information to confirm that but the cmd2 response from two of the commands is what other I2CS devices return when they do not like the current command.




Can you offer any guidance here. The Query Insteon Engine shows an I2CS device and some of the commands (6B & 6C) are responding with FD in cmd2.

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Kinda sounds like I may be the first person to try to hook these two devices together. Do I have a stat that is not so compatible with the ISY 994i? At this point, I just want to be able to add the stat nodes and control it "out of the box" without having to do any programming work arounds.



Do you still need to do that remote session that we have scheduled later today?

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SmartLabs is incrementally updating all Insteon devices to I2CS. Approx 12 device types have been released so far which require I2CS support in general and some require additional unique support. Unfortunately no schedule has been published so what device types are next are found as this was. The 2441TH is another tstat example which I know UDI is working on.

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