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Two ToggleLinc devices will not report manual changes

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I have a dozen various devices (KPL, ToggleLinc Relay or Dimmer, etc) in my house, and an having no problem with them relaying button presses back to my ISY99i (running 3.1.17). Except for two...


Devices on different circuits (dunno about phases). The devices linked successfully to the ISY, seem to function correctly as switches (one is a TL Relay, other is a TL Dimmer). I can use the admin console (or other client) to control the devices no issue. If I right-click "query" on the device in admin console, I get the current status correctly as well.


But unlike all the other devices, I cannot see a manual change on either switch register on the ISY. Can't even see a communication even in the event viewer.


I've triple-checked the wiring, and it seems good (also given the devices seem to be functioning well as normal switches, and as targets of commands). I've tried factory reset of the devices and restoring them, deleting and re-adding them, factory reset of the PLM followed by a restore devices, even a backup restore of the ISY before the switches were added, followed by the PLM reset and device restore. Still can't get them to send an event when manually triggered. Tried replacing the Dimmer with a spare, still same problem on it.


I have a couple of LampLincs to bridge phases as well, and they seem to be functioning.


Is there anything else I could have missed? Some reason why communication could be blocked so localized? Are there any techniques to discover where the communication goes wrong? Smarthome couldn't help, still waiting on a return call from UDI support.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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If the ToggleLinc Relay was acquired from Smarthome after March 2012 it will not function correctly on 3.1.17. The ISY would have to be updated to 3.2.6 and the device Delete and added under 3.2.6.


Right click on node in My Lighting tree, select Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table. When the display is complete click the Compare button. Post the results.


The lack of events indicates a link record problem


If the PLM was factory reset ALL PLM link records were erased. The PLM should be restored with Restore Modem (PLM)

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The switches were indeed recently purchased. The numbers on the switches (the Relay ones) is v5.8, 1211. I'd buy the explanation of the protcol change and the need to upgrade the ISY firmware, except one switch updates status, the other does not...


I have not tried swapping the Relays, I have the Dimmers, same issue.


If it was this issue, would not two switches at same rev levels behave the same, or is this some sort of fortuitous fluke? While I don't have an issue with updating the ISY to 3.2.6 to try, I've been putting off the upgrade since it will almost certainly break some of my client programs (notably, Conductor Automation's WMC addin).

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ToggleLinc Relays are I2CS. ISY 3.2.6 is required to write functional link records in all I2CS devices. Without functional link records I2CS devices cannot report status changes. I2CS devices have dropped Peek/Poke commands which the ISY uses to write link records prior to 3.2.6 for all but RF only devices.


Wired Dimmer devices have not been shipping with the I2CS firmware as yet (that we know of). SmartLabs has been updating the firmware across the various device types starting with but not exclusive to Relay devices. See this link




on Page 1 of topic for list of known I2CS device. SmartLabs does not notify the field in advance of shipping a particular device type with I2CS firmware. Eventually Dimmers will also be I2CS. I started with the Relay type as that MUST have 3.2.6. Once 3.2.6 has been installed the TriggerLinc Relay has to be Deleted and added back to the ISY so that the new 3.2.6 I2CS based link management will be able to write functional link records.


You may have other issues as well but they cannot be diagnosed running ISY firmware that does not support the device type in question.


Once that has been resolved then we can attack the Dimmer issue if one remains.

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OK, that's confusing. I have ToggleLinc Relays, both from a recent order and a 2011 order, that work. You're telling me they at I2CS and can't work? By that, the ones I have that work, shouldn't... even with matching firmware revisions...


And as far as the dimmer is concerned, you're saying those have not been updated to I2CS (probably, maybe). Maybe it has, is not on the list... I'm a little taken by the idea that the firmware revision would not be different between an I2CS device and a non-I2CS device.



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ToggleLinc Relays from Smarthome after March 2012 should be I2CS. Other users have found this to be accurate. If the ToggleLinc Relays were obtained from a different source then who knows how old the inventory is.


Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level 3 selected. Run Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table for the ToggleLinc Relay that is not working and post the trace.

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