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scene's and linking devices


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Currently i've added only one outletlinc, and one switchlinc to my keypad and remote. I have others to add, but i am going slowly to make sure everything works. I would like to create a scene where a button on the keypadlinc which will be the controller, will actuate a program, so when we are away, a group of lights will come on and off at the set times. Question. When existing lights and new lights to be installed are put into the scene, will they only run at the activation of a scene button? At this point i have 2 lights coming on at sunset and off at the variable time around 10:30. When these are put in the scene, will they only run when the associated scene button is pressed. This way i can set up a few lights and activate the program with one button press on the way out the door.

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It is not necessary to create a Scene with the KeypadLinc button as Controller to trigger a Program with the KeypadLinc button press.


If a Scene is created with the KeypadLinc button as Controller any other devices in that Scene will respond immediately when the KeypadLinc button is pressed.


Define one ISY Scene containing the devices as Responders to be controlled by the Program. Switch the Program to use Set Scene 'xxxx' On/Off rather than a collection of individual devices. As new devices are added to the ISY which should be controlled by the time Program simply add the devcies to the Scene as additional Responders. No need to update the Program once it has been changed to using Set Scene.

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Lee , i just found this from insteon, and it seems quite easy. I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but i create a folder with the vacation devices in it, and select the keypad linc button to use which in this case is A relabeled vacation. Is there any linking procedure for the KPL button, or is it done from this program?



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Folders are for programs, Scenes are for devices. That said, if you create programs to manage certain scenes when your in away mode then put those programs in a folder (Away) and set the folder If to say "If Away button is On" then I think you are heading down the right path.



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Folders and Programs are separate from Scenes and Devices. The names entered below the folder are Program names which happen to be the same as device names but have nothing to do with those devices.


The reasons for using a Scene are one, the Program that turns the devices On/Off does not have to keep changing every time a new device is added to the system that should also participate in the automatic turn On/Off programming. Second, as more individual devices are added to the time Program the longer it takes to get all the devices On/Off as each device has to be sent a command. Using a Scene allows a single Scene On/Off command to control all the devices in the Scene at once.


Use Link Management | New Scene to define an ISY Scene. Drag the devices to the Scene name that should react to the timed Program. The devices should be added to the Scene as Responders.


Then set up a Program something like

       Status  'KPL Floor Dimmer 6 / KPL Floor Dimmer 6 - A' is On
   And From    Sunset 
       To      10:30:00PM (same day)

       Set Scene 'SceneTestLD3' On

       Wait  10 minutes  (Random)
       Set Scene 'SceneTestLD3' Off

This Program works only when the KeypadLinc button A is On.


A Folder can be created with the If KeypadLinc button On as the If condition and the Program placed in the Folder without the KeypadLinc button check. It is probably better to do this with a Folder and Program under the Folder to prevent the Else from running when not expected. Otherwise the Program logic has to be split into two Programs.

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If i write a program with a keypadlinc button under " if ", is there any other manual linking to be done. I want to use an unused keypadlinc button -C to set two lights on /off with random off times. I expect writing this code negates the manual set button on the keypadlinc, and running around pressing the set button on each device. Once i get my filterlinc's this week, i can instal these 2 devices and set them up with the keypadlinc. Right now if have 2 lights set up to come on everyday at dusk, and off a a random time in the evening. I have a manual bypass with a keypadlinc and remotelinc. These are 2 lights used everyday, so they have the manual control also. I want to set up 2 more with a keypadlinc button to turn them on, on the way out the door, and have 4 lights running as a vacation mode.


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Adding a device to the ISY is all that is required to access it via programs. The process of adding the device creates links between the device and the PLM/ISY. Programs have nothing at all to do with linking of the devices to each other - that is what scenes do.


Adding devices to a scene causes links to be created between the devices you add. A program can activate a scene or a device directly. A program can respond to the status of a device.



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  • 1 month later...

Lee - thanks for the program example and the explanation of benefits of using a scene.


A Folder can be created with the If KeypadLinc button On as the If condition and the Program placed in the Folder without the KeypadLinc button check. It is probably better to do this with a Folder and Program under the Folder to prevent the Else from running when not expected.
You lost me here. Are you saying that creating a folder containing the program (and with the condition "ON" for the folder) is a better alternative to the sample program (or are you saying to place the sample program in a folder with the condition)?


Otherwise the Program logic has to be split into two Programs.
I'm also confused by this statement as the program sample appears complete (with the ELSE), so what second program is needed?
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In the Program the If Status triggers the Program any time the Status changes. That can drive the Else clause regardless of the time of day. That may produce some results that are unexpected and perhaps not desired. By defining a Folder with the If Status as the Folder Condition, a Program in that Folder can be triggered only when the If Status is true. By putting the If time range check only in the Program under that folder a change in the If Status cannot drive the Else clause in the Program.

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This may not be the ideal way of doing things, but i ended up creating 2 scenes. One is called vacation, with the kpl button in it to start the programs in an associated folder, and another scene called off with the 4 lights in the scene. I then created a folder called "away" with the "if" status kpl c button is on, and then added the 4 lights as programs to the folder. Each program has a different off time, and also randon wait times. Also in the folder is an off program where the "if" kplc is switched off, "then" end program.... for all 4 lights. It also has set scene off to off. This allows me to come home before the program times out, push the kpl c button to shut the lights off and end the program for that night. It is likely a more complex way of doing things, but it works. Creating the scenes allow for mobilinc to control everything.

One question. The "if' for the folder away states "status kpl c on", and the off folder has " control kpl c switched off. What is the best statement for this, status or control. It works the way it is, but i'm sure they should both be the same.




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