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Replace Device Very Slow 4 minutes


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I just upgraded 20 old SwitchLincs with new dual-bands. Every time I do an ISY99i Replace Device operation it takes approximately four minutes to complete. Very tedious to do this for each switch one at a time.


I recently upgraded my ISY to Pro since I thought that with the "Do Not Automatically Write Changes" the ISY would defer my Replace Device link work until I had set up a bunch of these operations -- then I could leave it to update the links in batch mode.


Scene updates seem to work this way (i.e. do a bunch of scene changes quickly, then turn on updating and the links get written in a big batch).


Can I do the Replace Devices quickly?


Thank You,


- Jon


The device link record updates were batched during the Replace test I just ran on 3.2.6. There are PLM changes and Program changes which are made as part of the Replace function. These are not part of the Batch function.

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