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Replaced PLM, now keypads don't work

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My PLM went south, I just replaced it per the WIKI instructions, did a "restore modem (PLM)" and a "restore ISY". I have 2 keypads and none of the commands/programs for either of them work. I have some sensors on doors, when I open the doors, the lights on the keypads show the correct status, but their status does not show correctly in the Admin Console. If I send a command via the Admin Console, things work properly.

Any clues what I should look at to get the keypads working correctly again? Keep in mind I am a newbie at this.

ISY-99 ver 3.1.10

PLM- 2413s V1.6


Thank you,

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Not sure the Restore ISY was prudent as all the updates the Restore Modem (PLM) did to change the PLM address may have been wiped out as far as the ISY information is concerned.


Try a Restore Device for one of the KeypadLincs. Not sure that will work as the Restore ISY would have the old PLM address. If that does not restore the KeypadLinc function, delete the KeypadLincs and add it back to get the new PLM address.


Also the ISY firmware is old. The latest Official release is 3.2.6.

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Not sure the Restore ISY was prudent as all the updates the Restore Modem (PLM) did to change the PLM address may have been wiped out as far as the ISY information is concerned.


Try a Restore Device for one of the KeypadLincs. Not sure that will work as the Restore ISY would have the old PLM address. If that does not restore the KeypadLinc function, delete the KeypadLincs and add it back to get the new PLM address.


Also the ISY firmware is old. The latest Official release is 3.2.6.

Thank you for your response,

I did the Restore Modem first, things didn't work so I tried the restore ISY, I didn't realize it would change PLM address. If I unplugged the ISY and PLM and then plugged them back in, in the proper order, would that put the new PLM address in the ISY?

I haven't updated the ISY software as I hadn't seen any compelling reason/feature to do so.

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Run Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info/Status. Does this show the old or new PLM address.


If the ISY was not rebooted after installing the new PLM the Restore Modem (PLM) would not change the PLM address as it does not know the PLM was changed without the reboot.


Right click on one of the KeypadLinc Primary nodes, select Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table. Look through the link records displayed. Does the old or new PLM address appear in some of the link records.

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Run Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info/Status. Does this show the old or new PLM address.


If the ISY was not rebooted after installing the new PLM the Restore Modem (PLM) would not change the PLM address as it does not know the PLM was changed without the reboot.


Right click on one of the KeypadLinc Primary nodes, select Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table. Look through the link records displayed. Does the old or new PLM address appear in some of the link records.


PLM status shows new address. When I installed new PLM, I unplugged the ISY, the serial cable was then connected to the new PLM, the PLM was then plugged in, then the ISY was plugged in.

Per your suggestion, I 'deleted' one of my keypads and then reprogrammed it, it seems to be working properly now. The other keypad, my primary one, is now having intermittent communication issues. If I turn off power to the keypad, restore power and update it, it shows that it has connected fine. But no programs will run from keypad. When I tell the light connected to the keypad to come on via the admin console, sometimes the light come on... sometimes not. So my next quest is to figure out why that keypad is suddenly having communication issues.


Thank you,


[/edit]- keypad link is a 2486D 6 button v.36

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When the ISY does not show state changes it could be a communication problem. It could also be a link record problem. Suggest a Show Device Links Table for the KeypadLinc that is not showing state changes and not triggering Programs. That KPL may not have the correct PLM address for the link records that allow state changes to be sent to the PLM.

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When the ISY does not show state changes it could be a communication problem. It could also be a link record problem. Suggest a Show Device Links Table for the KeypadLinc that is not showing state changes and not triggering Programs. That KPL may not have the correct PLM address for the link records that allow state changes to be sent to the PLM.


When I try to do a "Show Device Link Table" for the Keypad in question, it errors out saying it can't write or read from device, then after a few more tries, it errors again for "unable to communicate with device". I guess I have nothing to loose at this point if I delete that Keypad and try reprogramming it.

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If a Show does not work it is very likely the device will not add back because of the comm problem. That will have to be resolved first, then deal with the question of whether the link records are right.

Lee, The PLM seems to have died about the same time we had a power spike. I am thinking that since all that has changed is the PLM, there has not been any changes to anything else, everything plugged into the same spot. That the keypad may have taken a hit as well and just needs to be replaced. I don't know what else to try except to order a new one, unless you have some suggestions. I have moved some of my primary functions to the other keypad, so I still have some functionality.


Thank you,

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A power surge can do damage for sure. If the KPL is the only device not working now than it sounds like the source. The one thing that can be tried is to remove it from its current location and wire nut it to an appliance cord. They are inexpensive and available at hardware and home improvement stores. They have a plug on one end and bare wires on the other. I use one to test all new devices before installing in the wall. Plug the appliance link into the PLM plug point and see if the KPL continues to fail. If not then something else on that circuit may have taken a hit rather than the KPL. If more than one device now has a problem it could be an Access Point took a hit so coupling is no longer functional. I like to keep spares so if the new KPL does not solve the problem it makes a good spare.

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A power surge can do damage for sure. If the KPL is the only device not working now than it sounds like the source. The one thing that can be tried is to remove it from its current location and wire nut it to an appliance cord.

I have a few of those around here somewhere, just need to find them. Thank you for the idea.

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Thank you for your help and suggestions, turns out it was a communications issue. I put the working Kypd in the non working location and it didn't work. I noticed on both my dual-band lamp link access points the LED's were red rather than green. I reset them, the kypd still didn't work. I started unplugging/shutting off things and found when I unplugged the charger for my laptop that all started to work again. Apparently the charger took a hit with the power spike and was adding noise to the system preventing reliable communication on that phase. All is working normally now, even my old X-10 stuff.


Thanks again,



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Great news and nice job. Some cell phone chargers are also very noisy. Most times they can be put on a FilterLinc which isolates them from the powerline. FYI - the LED in the upper left corner of the LampLinc is Red when the LampLinc is Off.

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