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Program reference guide?


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Hi I have searched the wiki and either am missing it, or looking in the wrong place, but I can't find a comprehensive "Reference/Command" guide because when I am reading through posts in the forum with code samples I keep seeing new commands or parameters. I apologize, as this is probably "in plain sight", but I just can't find it.


For example I saw the following code:

       From    11:59:00PM
       To       5:50:00AM (next day)

       In Scene 'Interior Lights / BathRoom 2nd SW' Set 'Interior Lights / BathRoom Main' 20% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Interior Lights / BathRoom Main' Set 'Interior Lights / BathRoom Main' 20% (On Level)

       In Scene 'Interior Lights / BathRoom 2nd SW' Set 'Interior Lights / BathRoom Main' 65% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Interior Lights / BathRoom Main' Set 'Interior Lights / BathRoom Main' 65% (On Level)

But did not see the (On Level) parameter in the Wiki. I have also seen (Ramp Rate) in other code.


FWIW, I am trying to write a simple program to change the ramp rate on a 3-way circuit to 2 seconds (rather than instant) when the "Fast On" is pressed from either switch.



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Lee, thanks for the response.


So, that's why I was asking about a reference guide, in order to try to determine these types of things, although I don't understand the context of all of your terms. Some appear to be Insteon parameters and some seem to be ISY parameters.


In regards to Fast On, I was expecting that I could create a program such that if either controller (switch) has a double tap (Fast On), then instead of instant on, then the scene ramps on over 'x' seconds. So I was not using a function of Fast On, but a condition of Fast On.

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The terms Local On Level, Local Ramp Rate, Responder On Level, Responder Ramp Rate are Insteon. The Local On Level and Local Ramp Rate define what happens to the device where the button/paddle is physically pressed. The Responder On Level and Responder Ramp Rate define what happens to the linked Responder device when sent a command from the Controller device.


From the example it looks like the devices are cross-linked such that tapping one device On causes that device and the cross-linked device to respond. That is all Insteon hardware/firmware reaction. All the those values can be altered by an ISY Program "before" a button/paddle is pressed. Once the button/paddle is tapped or double tapped with cross-linked devices the results have already been determine by what the respective values have been set to.


You can unlink the devices by removing the devices from the ISY Scene that resulted in them being cross-linked. That would allow a Program to react to a button/paddle press and affect what the other device does as it is no longer linked as a Responder. However, where the button/paddle is pressed, if that is connected to a load, the Local On Level and Local Ramp Rate dictate. Except in the case of Fast On where the results are architected to go to 100% On at a fast ramp rate. The Fast On command is not designed to be overridden.


There are techniques such as pressing an On paddle twice with 2-3 seconds that an ISY Program reacts to and does something different then a single On paddle press. Have to do the two On press actions slow enough so the device hardware/firmware does not react to a Fast On.

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What would likely be helpful would be to use any documents SmartLabs (ower of the Insteon protocol) and Smarthome (retail seller of Insteon products) have to offer. The ISY supports Insteon, ZigBee and soon to be ZWave. The ISY does not own any of those protocols so it cannot be expected to provide a comprehensive reference document how all of this stuff works. Lots of information is there between the User Guide, Wiki and the forum itself but there is no "reference book" that describes Insteon capabilities.


Even if someone wanted to produce such reference material SmartLabs considers much of the command and internal device information Proprietary and Confidential. Over the years information has leaked into the public domain but that does not allow an entity to ignore the general confidentiality of the information and publish a comprehensive reference document. SmartLabs does offer a $200 Developer Subscription that allows access to some of the Insteon confidential information. Have to sign an NDA to access that information so it cannot be shared with the general public.


There is enough Insteon information in the public domain on the various Insteon oriented forums to get a good idea of how much of the Insteon protocol works. It does take time to read and research.

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Thanks for the explanation of the terms - very helpful!


From the example it looks like the devices are cross-linked such that tapping one device On causes that device and the cross-linked device to respond.
The devices are linked via a scene I set up with the ISY. They were not linked outside of ISY.


The Fast On command is not designed to be overridden.
Thanks - that was what I was trying to determine. It's not a big deal to have the Fast On trigger instant on, it was a marginal preference to have it ramp over 1 or 2 seconds, similar to the Lutron dimmers I replaced with the Insteon dimmers.


there is no "reference book" that describes Insteon capabilities.
Sorry, I was not clear. I was looking for a more comprehensive ISY programming guide. The wiki is great, but I have seen commands and parameters in code examples posted in the forums that are not in the wiki - so was curious if I was missing some documentation. The users are very helpful, but I was trying to self-help as much as possible.
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Self-help is the good way. Wish more folks would try it. Even if not successful in the specific endeavor much is learned every time something new is attempted. The ISY User Guide covers the basics of most (maybe all) of the Program statements.


Folks on the ISY forum are most helpful.

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