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Switchlinc Relay as a dimmer controller?


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In a multi-location setup, w/ the load being controlled by a Switchlinc Dimmer, would a relay be able to control the dimming functions?

Would there be any difference in function or appearance between a SL dimmer and SL relay if neither is directly controlling the load?

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  • 3 months later...

After installing a switchlinc relay as a controller for a switchlinc dimmer, I'd have to advise most of you against making the same mistake. While I was willing to forgo the led's indicating the brightness level, I'm more than unhappy w/ the fact that a single press of the relay equals a fast on or off at the controlling dimmer (not what I was hoping for or expecting :cry: ) Both the relay and dimmer in this instance are v.00, perhaps it's different w/ newer versions. If anyone else can cast some light on this situation, please do.


Update - Relay now working as anticipated

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Unless there is something very different in your relay unit (mine is a V2.5) it should send simple commands identical to the V2 dimmer -


1) Paddle press On/Off - simple on/off commands

2) Paddle press Hold - bright/dim commands

3) Paddle double press - fast on/off.


There are a number of ways of setting your circuit up:


Scene control-

dimmer: responder

relay: controller


Within the relay controller window (in your scene) set your ON level and ramp rate for the dimmer. The dimmer in my scene below is the "Entry Patio" switch. I've set it for an on level of 60% and a ramp rate of 4 seconds.




With the settings I've shown above, relay presses will have the following effects:


1) Turning the relay unit on will cause my dimmer to ramp to 60% over a 4 second period.

2) After the on, a "press on hold" of the relay will brighten the dimmer toward 100%.

3) A "press off hold" will dim the dimmer toward off.

4) A single press off will tum the dimmer off over a 4 second interval.

5) A double press (on/off) will execute a fast on/off at the dimmer.


As an alternative to the above, you could create a scene with both devices as responders and use program control to execute far more functions.


We should probably determine whether there is a basic hardware difference in your switches prior to getting into the program control...


Please get back with us,




After installing a switchlinc relay as a controller for a switchlinc dimmer, I'd have to advise most of you against making the same mistake. While I was willing to forgo the led's indicating the brightness level, I'm more than unhappy w/ the fact that a single press of the relay equals a fast on or off at the controlling dimmer (not what I was hoping for or expecting :cry: ) Both the relay and dimmer in this instance are v.00, perhaps it's different w/ newer versions. If anyone else can cast some light on this situation, please do.
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Special thanks to IndyMike for inspiring me to give it another try. Apparently I had missed something the first time around. I reinstalled the SL relay, and made sure to properly set up the scene it was controlling, and everything works as anticipated. As mentioned earlier in this tread, the only discernable difference is that the LED bar only shows On or Off, and not the dimmer status. Also there's the slght click of the relay, but it's faint.


Thanks Mike :)

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That's the purpose of the forum. I'm just passing along information as others have done for me.


Actually, I think the Kudos go to you on this one. Most people would not have yanked a functioning dimmer to revisit the relay function. I applaud your perseverance.



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