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EZFlora Local Control


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I have read the associated documents with the EZFlora and didn't see how to control it locally. I have a sprinkler repairman coming to the house and he will need to turn the zones on and off locally. I wont be home to do turn the zones on and off via mobilinc or the ISY. How can he do this locally?

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Shoot I have 9 zones (4 on one EZFlora and 5 on the 2nd EZFlora). I would hate to have two remotelincs for this. What is the best way to control 9 zones? 2 remotelincs or 2 keypadlincs, or what? Maybe I could have a remotelinc and use the last button to toggle through the last 2 zones using a program or something. I'm not as familiar with keypadlincs so maybe it would be best to use those. Any ideas?




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Nope. One 8 button remote or KPL should do. Buttons 1 and 2 to select which EZ-Flora to operate then 3-8 are available for zone on/off.


Requires programming but hey, thats the fun part right ?



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Heck yeah that's perfect! Now I just have to figure out the program. Will I need to use variables? I'm not good at variables yet.


Thanks for your help!


I haven't laid it all out yet but I don't think a var would be required. Your using button status for 1 & 2 for that purpose. Actually thinking about it more, you don't even need an 8 button KPL. A 6 would do. Button 1 off - Ezflora1, Button 1 On - EzFora2.


2 folders- one for EZF #1 Progs, One for EZF #2 Progs.

Folder conditions that monitor the KPL/RL Button A

If Status KPL/RL Button A is On (For EZF Folder #1) and

If Ststus KPL/RL Button A is Off (For EZF Folder #2)


Make KPL/RL button B shut off all EZF zones across both EZF devices.


Within each folder, create a program for each zone.


  Status KPL/RL Button3 is On

  Set EzFlora1 Zone 1 On

 set EzFlora1 Zone 1 off


Repeat that editing for each button/zone combo for EZF1

Copy them to the EZF2 folder and edit to make them talk to EZF2



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  • 1 year later...

Will EZ-Flora with ISY enable having multiple zones on at once?  I believe I read only 1 zone can be on at a time.  


If I am mistaken and multiple zones can be on at once, would your keypad control be able to assign buttons as toggles for each zone (limited by # of buttons).


If so, could keypad lights be set to reflect on/off status of each zone?  



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The EZFlora will not turn On multiple Zones at once.  For example, turning Zone 3 On will automatically turn Off the current Zone.


Given that limitation, why would one use an EZFlora vs a EZIO 8 zone controller?  Are there unique features of the EZFlora I am got appreciating?


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The EZFlora design is patterned after most other irrigation controllers.   I have used two different RainBird controllers and they both only allowed one Zone at a time.   


The EZIO8SA has 8 independently controlled relays which can be used for irrigation.   An irrigation controller does not need to have the current Zone turned Off when moving to a new Zone as the current Zone is automatically turned Off.  Valve operation with the EZIO8SA is controlled by ISY programming.  The ISY does not support setting the EZIO8SA timers.  The relay timers are set with the Simplehomenet Utility Suit (free software from Smartenit).  Usually requires an additional PLM used by the Utility.

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The EZFlora design is patterned after most other irrigation controllers.   I have used two different RainBird controllers and they both only allowed one Zone at a time.   


The EZIO8SA has 8 independently controlled relays which can be used for irrigation.   An irrigation controller does not need to have the current Zone turned Off when moving to a new Zone as the current Zone is automatically turned Off.  Valve operation with the EZIO8SA is controlled by ISY programming.  The ISY does not support setting the EZIO8SA timers.  The relay timers are set with the Simplehomenet Utility Suit (free software from Smartenit).  Usually requires an additional PLM used by the Utility.



Thanks LeeG


If this tangent goes on much longer I will start a new thread, but I have 2 basic follow-up questions:


1)  Is there a reason to want to have all but one zone off at a time?  It would seem the flexibility of multiple zones offers greater flexibility.  Much of my use will be drip irrigation vs lawn sprinklers.  In this context I may well want multiple zones on, as each stays on longer since much less water flow.  I suppose with lawn sprinklers, water pressure could be an issue with multi zones on.  


2)  If using ISY, why would we be concerned with using timers built into the controller?  Wouldn't we want to use ISY timers in all cases anyways?


Thanks and sorry if I'm being dumb here

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Having the irrigation controller automatically turn Off a Zone insures water is not used longer than needed/expected.  Some geographic areas are very sensitive to water usage.   


An individual Zone can open multiple valves.   There is a current limit so each controller may have a different number on concurrent valves open by the current zone.


Running without timers could allow a valve to remain open if Insteon comm to the EZIO8SA (or EZFlora) fails.


The number of heads I use on each valve is based on water flow.   Running two at once would lower the pressure such that the heads would not work.  The irrigation system was designed using a RainBird controller.  It was replaced with a newer RainBird when lightning damaged the first one.  With the EZFlora design based on a normal irrigation it was simple to substitute an EZFlora when Insteon control was added.

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