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Release 3.3.2 (Beta) Is Now Available!

Michel Kohanim

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Hello apostolakisl,


We will check into the clock issue. It might be that the clock updater in the UI is not working properly.


Hello Teken,


If you know how to get certificate information from Opera, then that's all I need. Again, the only reason Java would not work is if for some reason your system is using SSLv2. If you wish, you can send your remote URL to support@universal-devices.com and we can check remotely.


ski2020, yes and unfortunately so. SSLv2 is not secure.


With kind regards,


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Hello apostolakisl,


We will check into the clock issue. It might be that the clock updater in the UI is not working properly.


Hello Teken,


If you know how to get certificate information from Opera, then that's all I need. Again, the only reason Java would not work is if for some reason your system is using SSLv2. If you wish, you can send your remote URL to support@universal-devices.com and we can check remotely.


ski2020, yes and unfortunately so. SSLv2 is not secure.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I have enclosed a screen shot of the certificate Opera is using. Please note I am getting the same errors with IE 8. I will submit my remote URL now to the support address now.


Teken . . .


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I recently upgraded from 3.2.6 to 3.3.2 as I was having issues with the two I/O Lincs that I recently purchased. As was true for other users, I was unable to save settings using the admin console.


Once I upgraded to 3.3.2, I was able to save settings and everything appeared to be working normally. Then I discovered that every time I switched on the relay of the I/O Linc, the sensor status would also be reported as on. When I turn off the relay, the sensor status is reported as off. At the same time, if the relay is not controlled, the sensor status will respond normally to the sensor input. I have observed this behavior regardless of what options I have set on the I/O Linc and there is no option for the sensor status to follow the relay status anyway (only vice versa).


A review of the event viewer shows that every time a command is sent to the I/O Linc to turn the relay on or off, a message shows up that says "Duplicate or ACK for a different device". Not sure if this is related but I thought it was worth mentioning.


I have two different I/O Lincs and both have this problem. I tried restoring both devices and I also performed factory resets on both and neither resolved the issue.


I then downgraded back to 3.2.6 and the problem went away, except I am back to the original problem of not being able to save the settings.


Lastly, I tried upgrading up to 3.3.1 instead of 3.3.2 to see if both versions have the issue and they do. 3.3.1 allowed me to save settings but caused the "Duplication or ACK for a different device" message and the sensor status follows the relay status.


I also noticed that when the relay status is changed and the sensor status follows, a single device query will return the sensor status to the correct state.


Anyone else have an I/O Linc they can test?

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I received two "beta" adapters with D5 firmware (this to fix the issue I was having with traffic being generated by the dongle every 4 seconds, which it seems to have fixed). The time sync function works with this firmware.




Apparently it's only supported on a firmware that has not yet been released to the public and, unfortunately, we do not really know when it would.


With kind regards,


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I upgraded to 3.3.2 and I am having the same issue as Teken when I access via HTTPS. I am running Windows XP and IE8. I have cleared the Java cache and created a new certificate. I still get the same error. I turned off Norton Firewall and it made no difference. I reinstalled 3.2.6 and I can now access via HTTPS. Any ideas?

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I cannot change the setpoint Heat or Cool on the Venstar Thermostat 2441V - with adapter v.95 (latest). When attempting to change the Thermostat Mode to Auto, the Admin Console reports that it cannot connect to the device.


Has anyone else experienced this issue since upgrading to the replacement adapter that SmartHome issued?


I solved this problem by deleting the thermostats from the ISY99, then added them back in after updating to ISY 3.3.2.

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I upgraded to 3.3.2 and I am having the same issue as Teken when I access via HTTPS. I am running Windows XP and IE8. I have cleared the Java cache and created a new certificate. I still get the same error. I turned off Norton Firewall and it made no difference. I reinstalled 3.2.6 and I can now access via HTTPS. Any ideas?


I continue to experience this problem. It is not my computers or the network at home either. Rolling back to the previous versions corrects this problem. Now, at work our firewall and policies are at play so I have no expectation in connecting.


This is why I am a firm believer is using the SmartLinc. No headaches with Java and all of the frustrations in making it work.


Just silly . . .


Teken . . .

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We would be delighted to refund you for your ISY so that you can continue enjoying your SmartLinc.


With kind regards,





That is a great gesture and is much appreciated. But, my comment is about the SmartLinc is that it provides me the ability to access the home with out network related issues. As long as you can access a web page / address the home is accessible.


The ISY relies on a Java application which in many environments do not allow such apps to run, or be hindered when its required to launch.


Having said all of this: My feed back is to provide the information pertaining to issues that affect the ISY and those members.


Is this not why this forum and thread is here for??


Lastly, as I stated previously above, rolling back to the last stable ISY firmware corrects this HTTPS issue. This is not related to my homes network or any firewall, or policies. I hope this is clear on all points and appreciate the on going support the team has provided.


Teken . . .

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A few points of clarification:

1. ISY does not need Java for command and control. You can use the AJAX interface and a host of other mobile/PC applications

2. For configuration, ISY requires Java. Java was chosen precisely because of its cross-platform support. HTML/AJAX require constant polling to get status updates. For configuration purposes, HTML/AJAX is not a good solution

3. I am not sure in which environments Java is not supported

4. In 3.3.2 instructions, it's explicitly stated that we had to remove SSL v2 Support because of security concerns. We cannot sacrifice security for ease of access

5. Since this problem is isolated to HTTPS/Admin Console and if you do not care about security, you are welcome to forward to the HTTP port. Ultimately, it's your system's security and you are the boss in that respect


I have to stress again that the problem is accessing ISY, through the Admin Console (or Dashboard) using HTTPS. The problem is NOT there for HTTP nor is it there for the regular HTML/AJAX interface.


Thank you for your feedback.


With kind regards,


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4. In 3.3.2 instructions, it's explicitly stated that we had to remove SSL v2 Support because of security concerns. We cannot sacrifice security for ease of access




I am using SSL v3 which I have confirmed with you, and also provided a screen shot of such. The HTTPS access issue is still present so I am not sure how it can be related to SSL v2.


I have done absolutely nothing to any of the 6 computers in my home. Simply rolling back the ISY firmware corrects this issue.


Now, for the sake of doing a test to confirm and validate my findings for the benefit of the forum members. I have also uninstalled Java, installed the latest and greatest. Removed the certificate from all known browsers and requested a new cert be generated using any level of encryption with out success.


All browsers have been cleared of cache / cookies, along with the Java console. Adjusting every browser to the lowest security setting along with adding the ISY to every known fire wall, policy, and to the browser has no affect.


Simply put, I am out of ideas as it pertains to why this latest version of ISY does not allow HTTPS access either locally on the LAN, or remotely.


Teken . . .

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As you might recall, I personally connected remotely to your ISY via HTTPS and using my Admin Console on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista. I do not recall ever proving or disproving you were using SSLv3. How did we arrive at this conclusion? Would you please forward and/or paste any records arriving at this conclusion? My records show our last email correspondence, on Wed 9/19/2012 7:17 PM, ended with you stating:





I have no problem accessing the ISY via the provided link.



So, are you still having the same problem? Also, if you have gone back to 3.2.6, have you restored your backup?


With kind regards,


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As you might recall, I personally connected remotely to your ISY via HTTPS and using my Admin Console on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista. I do not recall ever proving or disproving you were using SSLv3. How did we arrive at this conclusion? Would you please forward and/or paste any records arriving at this conclusion? My records show our last email correspondence, on Wed 9/19/2012 7:17 PM, ended with you stating:





I have no problem accessing the ISY via the provided link.



So, are you still having the same problem? Also, if you have gone back to 3.2.6, have you restored your backup?


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I have appended both the certificate and the encryption level the browser is using. All of which makes no difference in the ability to access the ISY via HTTPS. Also, my reply about accessing the ISY was to the public address using HTTPS.


Upon selecting the public address using HTTPS, I have no problem getting to the Touch Switch home page. Upon selecting the *Admin Console* at the bottom of the web page when the Admin Console launches it produces the two listed error's which I have already appended to this thread.


I only access my ISY Insteon network via HTTPS and it has always worked. Now, with the latest release I do not have the ability to do so. I hope this information provides more insight to the matter.


As always, much thanks and look forward to a solution.


Teken . . .



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