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"Replace with" no workie....


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I did a "replace with". I did this one time before with success but this time no love. The replaced device showed a green tag with 1011 in it. So I had to go through my scenes and programs reconstructing what was once there (to the best of my knowledge: What ramp rate? What brightness?).


Maybe a routine could be added that tests communications to ensure replace with really "takes". If not it gives you another shot. Not sure why I ended up with the green tag and 1011?


I deleted the new device, added it back, then rebuilt from scratch. :(


Average bear.

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The original switch was a non-RF Insteon switch and was 100% reliable.


A few months ago I replaced the back porch Insteon switch with a dual band Insteon switch in an effort to spread RF around. The RF switch did not reliably respond to the motion sensor whereas the original non-RF switch was 100% reliable.


Odd that a non-RF worked just fine, and dual band is intermittent...


Hoping the old dual band switch is defective. Will know in a few days. So far I'm not buying 'Dual band is more reliable". I think it's just more expensive. :(

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