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Release 3.3.3 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Thank you so much for the explanation. I followed your instructions and didn't realize that I needed to set the properties for each controller. There is a nice little copy button there, nicely done.


So handles that issue, what about the second.


With a six button keypad, there is an on and off, which I believe controls the load. If I include that as a responder in a scene, where the controller is one of the A-D buttons, it never seems to be able to control the "load". If I add another controller from another keypad, it works as expected. From the ISY it works as expected.


any thoughts?

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There was some button problem corrected at 3.3.3. Try a Restore Device of the KeypadLinc. I think I have seen other posts that suggest it might be necessary to delete the KeypadLinc and add it back under 3.3.3. Not sure if the symptom was related to controlling the load from a secondary button.


What is the KeypadLinc firmware level? I will try and recreate if I have a KeypadLinc with the same firmware.

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Added 2441TH with no problem, but all I've got is three nodes Main, Heating and Cooling. I understand there should be two more for humidity? And there is no any options to thermostat settings (to control LED, backlight etc.) as well as to mentioned time synchronization. I added thermostat through simply typing address in new insteon device. Should it be done differently?



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After switching to this version on my laptop, it takes forever for my console to react. It takes 55 seconds to load (after entering user/password). It then takes 15-20 seconds to move from the Main tab to Elk or Config tabs and more than that to load the programs.


When I change tabs the first time, I always get the 'Licensing Agreement' dialog box and sometimes the 'Socket Open Failed' error when a tab opens (attached). Adding scenes and saving programs also takes 50 or more seconds to complete. I haven't seen a post that others are having this trouble, nothing has changed on my laptop but the console acts slow and sluggish.


I notice my Integer and State variable tabs are also blank.



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Hello AIX,


You should have two nodes for humidity.


Hi sanders2222,


Please make sure you are using the correct UI (Help | About). The rest of errors point to heavy file system activity. Is it possible to send me your error log?


Also, please try File | Disable Internet Access (that is if it's already enabled). Do you have any other clients subscribed to ISY? Are you using http or https?


With kind regards,


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I can still see remnants of the Flex alert module.

What’s weird is after I select Flex Alex, I see only weather module options.

It gets even weirder. If I select another program (Never saved the flex alert) the flex alert does not show up but now the module is replaced with all my devices. No flex alert no weather module.

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Michel, I noticed this in the release notes:


Variable substitution for ${sys.node..ST} occasionally returns a corrupted value


Can you say more about this? I couldn't find any references to variable substitution with a syntax like this (using forum search and scanning the Developer's Manual). I'm hoping it might lead to a way to set a variable to a device's status.




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Hello GregE,


Nothing has changed. You should be able to access ISY the same way as before. Can you access your ISY via HTTPS but locally on your own network?


Hello KSaccullo,


Would you be kind enough to send the following screenshots to support@universal-devices.com:

1. Help | About

2. The instances which are described above


Thanks in advance and with kind regards,


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Hello GregE,


Nothing has changed. You should be able to access ISY the same way as before. Can you access your ISY via HTTPS but locally on your own network?



Locally I can access using https but if I try it remotely with DDNS set up I now get these errors.





I tried it from both a Mac and a PC just in case it was a Mac only problem but both give the same results.


Any ideas?



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Upgraded JAVA to 1.7, as suggested, on my MAC Retina, and the new Release 3.3.3 installed properly. My problem is that any applications running with new JAVA release, including the ISY99, now display with a blurry / fuzzy / out of focus look. Anyone else experience this, and is there a fix? Using the latest Mountain Lion with all the updates current; downloaded JAVA 7 from java.com -- 1.6 is the current Apple Release.


A note about my choice of a MAC: I purchased this machine several months back, upon the product's introduction, and am now in the Apple ecosystem (iPhone / iPad / MAC), after being a PC guy since the early 80's. I am using Safari, and am not going to clutter my machine with a browser for each application. In other words, if it doesn't run Safari, I'm not going to use it. I do keep a PC around for legacy products (need to set-up ip network camera's, for instance), but images run on Safari. With a trend of folks, such as myself, moving to the Apple ecosystem, seems prudent for UD to ensure that their products run on Safari.


I did deinstall Java 7 -- am back to 1.6, and plan to revert back to the General Release 3.2.6 this morning, but if I could get JAVA 7 to render fonts in an acceptable manner, I'd like to keep current with the UD releases. Anyone have any ideas?

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Hello AIX,


You should have two nodes for humidity.


From a poster in the 2441ZTH thread. He shows an image of the nodes for the 2441ZTH and there are no humidity nodes.




While I think AIX was talking about the 2441TH the manual for the 2441ZTH shows Humidity High and Low settings.

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I found a problem I had to chase around for a while. When I tried doing a set of restore devices I kept receiving a Socket Open Failed Java.net.socket timeout. I tried reinstalling the 3.3.3 version and clearing java and still nothing. I then reverted back to 3.3.2 and the restores worked fine.

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I do not think it was the 3.3.2 re-install that help but the fact that ISY rebooted after the re-install. What I suspect is that ISY was quite busy trying to restore and subsequent attempts basically could not connect because all tasks were busy. Please note that you can restore one device at a time.


As you can see from the list of changes between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, this is a minor release and with zero impact to underlying restore/web functionality.


As a test, would you be kind enough to install 3.3.3, try a restore on one of your devices for which you had a problem with? If you so choose to do so, please use Event Viewer on Level 3 and save its contents afterwards. If it still fails, please do send us the contents to support@universal-devices.com.


With kind regards,


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I tried a restore on the thermostat and it produced that message. The problem is that is locks the isy up with the pwr and rx lights on and the isy freezes up and I have to pull the power and reboot it. I don't see anything in the event log other than the standard message that shows the restore status like picking i1. I swapped out the modem with a replacement and it still does it. The only way I don't see this problem is by going back to 3.3.2.

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