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Release 3.3.3 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Hello AIX,


You should have two nodes for humidity.


From a poster in the 2441ZTH thread. He shows an image of the nodes for the 2441ZTH and there are no humidity nodes.




While I think AIX was talking about the 2441TH the manual for the 2441ZTH shows Humidity High and Low settings.


While yes, I was talking about 2441TH, I, indeed, have exactly same picture. Although I can see Status triggers for humidity if I use thermostat in if clause in programs.

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Hello AIX,


I am so very sorry ... I meant:

You should have NO nodes for humidity (not two).


With kind regards,



Personally I don't use humidity but I could see where high and low humdity nodes could be useful. If you have a humidifier or de-humidifier that is controlled independantly of the HVAC you might want to turn on or off these devices based on a high or low humidity value as described in the manual. I suppose you can always add these devices to the thermostat locally.

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I'm still continuing to see the problem about the Socket Open Failed java.net.socket timeout. It appears to happen randomly during normal operation and the RX and PWR are on constantly and all the others are off. Then the ISY is hung and I have to cyce the power. If I revert back to 3.3.2 everything is fine. During startup when the ISY is getting statuses it will sometime hang after cycling the power and I'll see the Socket error. I've tried reseting the ISY and the modem still nothing. Going back to 3.3.2 seems to do the trick.

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Here's a couple of problems I found.


1. Added 2441ZTH fine. Tried to drag and drop it into my THERMOSTATS folder and it wouldn't go. I could drop it into some folders but not others. Right Click and select Add to Folder works fine.


2. I can't drag and drop the Main node of any of my thermostats into a new scene. Right click and Add to scene works for the Venstars but I get an error something like This scene already contains this device when I try to add the 2441ZTH to a new scene.

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Hi Andy,


Here's a couple of problems I found.


1. Added 2441ZTH fine. Tried to drag and drop it into my THERMOSTATS folder and it wouldn't go. I could drop it into some folders but not others. Right Click and select Add to Folder works fine.

Can you use Add to Folder on "any" folder? Even to those that you could not drag/drop to?


2. I can't drag and drop the Main node of any of my thermostats into a new scene. Right click and Add to scene works for the Venstars but I get an error something like This scene already contains this device when I try to add the 2441ZTH to a new scene.

You should NOT be able to do that. That configuration is not supported

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Hi Andy,


Here's a couple of problems I found.


1. Added 2441ZTH fine. Tried to drag and drop it into my THERMOSTATS folder and it wouldn't go. I could drop it into some folders but not others. Right Click and select Add to Folder works fine.

Can you use Add to Folder on "any" folder? Even to those that you could not drag/drop to?


2. I can't drag and drop the Main node of any of my thermostats into a new scene. Right click and Add to scene works for the Venstars but I get an error something like This scene already contains this device when I try to add the 2441ZTH to a new scene.

You should NOT be able to do that. That configuration is not supported.


1. Yes, I can use Add to Folder on any folder, even the ones I couldn't drag it to.


2. I currently have scenes with my Venstar thermostats (2) where I dropped the thermostat MAIN node into the scene. I use the scene to set mode and setpoints just by sending ON to the scene. They still work. I just can't create a new scene and drop the thermostats MAIN node into it anymore. It certainly did work at some point in time during 3.2 beta

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Hi Andy,


We will look into folders.


Are you referring to 2441 or 2491 (Venstar)? I was referring to 2441.


With 2491, the main node can be a controller in ONE scene only.

With 2441, the main node cannot be part of any scenes.


With kind regards,



Well that's interesting. I have 2 2491 thermostats. One of them is wired to the HVAC, the other is supplied power in another room only.


For the one that is wired to the HVAC I have three scenes that set:


1. Cool-82 Heat-74 Mode-Auto (Settings when home)

2. Cool-84 Heat-65 Mode-Auto (Settings when away)

3. Cool-60 Heat-90 Mode-Off (When the other Venstar is controlling temperature via Insteon messages through ISY)


For the one in the bedroom that only has power I have 2 scenes that set:


1. Cool-82 Heat-72 Mode-Auto (Settings while sleeping)

2. Cool-82 Heat-74 Mode-Off (During the day when not in use)


I actually found this capability to be very useful.


Ah! Wait, I see my lack of important information. In my scenes the MAIN node of the thermostat is a responder not a controller. Can the 2441 be a responder in a scene? If so, then I still can't add it to a scene as a responder.

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I think the hanging problem is related to the console being up. When it's down everything is fine. So I checked my firewall and everything is fine. I then went into my Cisco EA4500 router and made the ISY high priority and so far no hangs. I'll let you know if it changes.

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Hi Andy,


We will look into folders.


Are you referring to 2441 or 2491 (Venstar)? I was referring to 2441.


With 2491, the main node can be a controller in ONE scene only.

With 2441, the main node cannot be part of any scenes.


With kind regards,



I hate to say it but the folder thing is a non-issue. I was using the floating box to point to the folder to move to instead of the pointer. If I use the pointer it works fine. Sorry!


My error also caused the thermostat drag and drop into a scene for the 2491s. The 2441 still didn't work but I'm returning it so it doesn't bother me any more.

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Hi Andy,


You should be able to put 2491 as responder in scenes. Does it not work?




Can you tell me whether or not your E4500 has the latest firmware? I know for a fact that older firmware have a problem negotiating down to 100 Mbps.


Also, what activities are you doing when the Admin Console is up?


With kind regards,


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I checked and I have the latest and greatest firmware loaded into the EA4500. I'm really puzzled becaue if I go back to 3.3.2 it's totally stable. If I load 3.3.3 and start using it at some point it hanges wih that socket open failed java.nt.socket timeout exception. No other changes.

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