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ISY 99 and Elk M1 Problem


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I have an Elk M1 and ISY 994i/PLM and I am experiencing what I THINK is an issue with communication between the two (as seen in the image attached, ISY screen on top, event log on bottom). First off, there is nowhere to enter a security code that I can see, just the dropdown I highlighted (which is empty). Secondly, the even log shows what you see below. I believe they are trying to talk or else I wouldn't have even gotten this far.

* I HAVE set it up to use 2101 to communicate unsecure with the Elk, and used the RP software to test this.

It should be noted that I currently have all of the first 16 zones in the M1 set to Normally Open, as I am yet to put any sensors on it (they are backordered). I am wondering if this is just a matter of the Elk not having any Zones and the ISY not knowing what to do with it. That said, I find it weird that I can't even use the ISY to "Go To Elk Console", which when I click it, does nothing. Any help would be appreciated.


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First time connection. Been trying everything I can and it just won't work. :(


There is some red-lettering at the bottom that says I can get FULL functionality out of the Elk Module, which I'd consider spending the $99 on if a) I knew what else I got out of it and B) I could get this thing to connect.


Side note: This is complete B.S. on Smarthome's side and doesn't reflect well on UD. If you are going to bundle the ISY with the ELK system, you should mention that it costs another $100 to get some module you need. Honestly, reading all the available verbage online, it is implied that you get everything you need.

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First thing. If ElkRP is actively connected, NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. This is a common mistake and will certainly prevent ISY from connecting. Whenever ElkRP is connected, all other IP connections are suspended.


I do have the Elk module for ISY which changes the options around some. But I am pretty sure the settings I am about to tell you are the same even if you don't have the module.


In ElkRP confirm the settings. From ElkRP connect to the Elk panel. Then click "m1xep setup" then click "receive" to load the current settings into ElkRP and ensure that the values shown are the actual values in the xep. Under the TCP/IP settings tab, you will want to confirm your Elk has a static ip address and that the "enable non-secure port" box is checked. If not, please give your Elk a static address and check the box to enable port 2101 and then click "send". It will reboot the m1xep. Reconnect and click "receive" again and confirm that your settings are correct.


On ISY, go to the "configuration"/"Elk"/"Configuration" tab. Ensure that the IP address listed is the same as you set the xep to. Also confirm that the "enabled" box is checked and that the port is 2101. Also enter your user code.


Lastly, in ElkRP, open up your user account for the user code you entered in ISY. In the "user authorizations" box, ensure that everything is checked EXCEPT "Access". "Access" should NOT be checked. Make sure to connect to the panel and load any changes you made into the the panel. And, of course, DON'T FORGET TO DISCONNECT WHEN DONE!


The box that you highlighted earlier is a drop down to pick the area you want to deal with. Most homes only use a single area, but if you wanted you could divide your house into multiple areas. Having more than one area is almost like having multiple alarm systems. Like if you had a guest house you could put it on the same Elk panel but give it a separate area and it would work like a whole separate alarm system.


As far as the functionality without the Elk module. It is somewhat limited. Pretty much you get to arm/disarm and see the status of the alarm. You also can export your entire lighting configuration into Elk from ISY for controlling/monitoring the lights using Elk.


With the module, you get nearly 100% access to Elk stuff in your ISY programs. Like the status of a zone, an alarm, an output, a temp, a voltage on an analog input, etc. All of these various items can be used as "if" statements in ISY programs. On the "then" side of programs, you can pretty much do anything, like arm, disarm, bypass, send text to keypads, turn outputs on/off, etc. Essentially, the module "fuses" Elk and ISY together. It is well worth the $100. ISY is a much better platform to write programs than Elk. I would agree that Smarthome should indicate the various levels of connectivity and that for the full deal you need the module.

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Thanks apostolakisl! That did the trick. I've been beating my head against the wall for a week on this.


I'm going to get the Elk Module probably, because I want to code against the ISY REST system, and I suspect I'll need it. That, and I'd really like to see if I can get an Insteon open/close sensor to work as (or like) a zone on the M1.

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