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need some help


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hey everyone don't know if this is the place to post this.

I am having some problems with my program, the lights does not turn on, but they do turn off.

This is want i have.


if time

from 5:00pm

to 10:00pm same day



set scene front door light on



set scene front door light off


what could be wrong. i did a scene test and it was fine



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any suggestion


Given that I do not think your program is at fault, I would look at other things.


-it appears that you manually typed your program into the forum, correct? Make sure there are not any subtle differences (am/pm errors, for example)

-check to see if the scene is working. From the ISY control panel, manually turn the scene on. Did it work?

-Like LeeG suggests, check program last run time. Is it running at the times you expect? It is possible to disable programs or to include them in folders that are, themselves, disabled.


Otherwise, this is pretty simple and not much can go wrong, short of device failure or communication issue.

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