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Strange 2441TH Issue

Jeff Kocur

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I recently received a new 2441TH Thermostat and noticed something strange when operating it from the admin console (or from within an ISY program). If I change the thermostat to thermostat mode "Program Auto" from the admin console or from an ISY program it does not enter the "Program Auto" mode. It remains in the mode that it was in prior to sending the "Program Auto" command. Changing to any other mode from the admin console works fine (Heat, Cool, Auto or Off). I can put the thermostat into Program Auto mode directly on the thermostat and the mode in the admin console gets updated with the correct mode (Program Auto). I have also found a work-around in that I can put the thermostat into "Program Auto" mode from an ISY program by sending Insteon command "Program Cool" or "Program Heat" from the program (This work-around only works in ISY programs. These modes (Program Heat and Program Cool) are not available in the admin console because I don't think they are actual modes supported by the 2441TH).


Does anyone else experience the same problem?





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  • 3 months later...

Did anyone else ever see this or find an answer? I just installed this thermostat and see this same behavior. I'd like to have the program mode running much of the time but override it when away and some other times. I'd like my programming to be able to turn program mode back on but don't see a way.





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Hi Kevin/Jeff,


Never had this reported and I tested again. At this point my only recommendation is to get a replacement thermostat but, at the same time, I am afraid that it might be the firmware.


Are you certain that you can command your thermostat to any other mode from ISY?


With kind regards,


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I have two of these thermostats and they both exhibit the same behavior. They both will not enter the Program Auto mode from an ISY program or the ISY admin console. I have confirmed that all other modes work fine on both thermostats from either an ISY program or the ISYadmin console. I'm now using scenes within my ISY programs to achieve my desired thermostat activitity and am not using the program auto mode so this isn't a problem for me. However, it does appear to be an issue. Thanks kck for confirming that I'm not crazy and that others have this issue too . I suspect its more widespread, but since most folks probably avoid the program auto mode it's probably not noticed.





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I can set the other modes but not Program Auto. I just tried all of them from the admin console. For off you send CLIMD 0 and then if I query I get back CLIMD 0. Likewise for Heat (CLIMD 1), Cool (CLIMD 2), and Auto (CLIMD 3). If I set Program Auto you seem to send a CLIMD 5 but when I then query I see back a CLIMD 3 and, of course, the GUI then reflects the Auto as the status. It sort of looks like the Thermostat is the issue but seeing such consistent behavior across a number of units (Jeff's 2 and my one) makes it seem like there is intent in this behavior rather than some random error.

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For my unit the sticker in the thermostat says it is V1.6 5212 and the ISY Admin Console reports it as V.0D on the top of page header. If there is some other way to query firmware version let me know and I'll get it.



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The paper sticker has the hardware revision V1.6 and date code 5212. Devices at the same hardware revision can have different firmware levels as the firmware for that particular hardware evolves over time. As Brian has already noted the firmware level is displayed on line 2 which is v.0B

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  • 7 months later...


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